Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20, 2015

I don't have MS.  Yay! Now I'm waiting for some nerve conductions tests.  I went back to physical therapy to try that again.  It was good.  I had a blessing of comfort last Sunday for it.  It was good to not have MS, but I still don't have any end or diagnosis in sight. Last week I was up a few times in the night because of my hands.  One night I prayed and I got a nice reminder of ways the Lord has led and blessed me.  Like eating healthy and how much better I've felt and paying tithing and generous fast offering and how blessed we've been financially.  And I felt that this will be another thing that the Lord will go through with me.  Then Sunday I had a blessing and it was different than my other blessings.  It was a lot more counsel and talked about how the Atonement is for physical, as well as spiritual and emotion, pain. It said to learn more about that.  Also this week my hands have been doing so much better.  They haven't kept me up at night since my blessing.  I still wake up and have to change positions, but I haven't had to sit up.

School is out.  I'm so glad.  That last week before school was out was so busy.  We had 2 dance recitals and a piano recital and a big Christmas activity for YW.  I loved going to the girls' recitals.  They did a great job.  Ruby just loved being on stage.  Rachel liked it.  Aaron and Rachel did great at their piano recital.  It's nice we have most of this week off before Christmas. So we can get to a lot of the Christmas traditions we haven't had time for yet.  And then we're looking forward to a lazy week at my parents' house after Christmas.

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