Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 6, 2015

We went to Utah for Thanksgiving and stayed with Katrina in their new house.  We got there Wednesday night and we went to Kenton and Jackie's house for dinner and then went to a BYU basketball game with them.  Thursday we ate with Katrina and Sarah and lots of Josh's family. Friday we went to the Temple to seal Linda and her sister and brother to their parents.  That night we went to Temple Square.  Friday we had a birthday party for Katrina then went to BYU then to the Dean's. Sunday we went home after church.  It was so cold that weekend. It was right around freezing for the high.  It was miserable to go outside.  It was like that last winter the week we went.

In the spring I had a beehive activity at my house where we worked on family search.  It wasn't a super fruitful activity for the girls, but as I was showing one of the girls something on Bob's line and I pulled Linda up and she had a green temple.  I'd never thought to look at her before.  She'd never been sealed to her parents.  So from there we found out none of the living kids had either. And her mom Dorothy hadn't been sealed to her parents.  So part of the reason for going to Utah was to get that work done.  It was so awesome to be a part of that and help it get done.

I had my MRI. I go this week for the results.  I still really hope I don't have MS, especially after talking to Katrina about her's.  But I looked up diets for MS.  I found that the most successful diet is exactly a strict interpretation of the Word of Wisdom.  Whole food plant based with no meat or dairy. I didn't want to have to cut dairy out all the way.  I hope that doesn't mean I have MS.

Kata and the 3 youngest Deans came to visit this weekend.  It was fun to get to see them some more and for the kids to get more playing time in.

Seth past his orange belt in karate yesterday.  He's been doing a lot better in school this year, but I've realized he's uncomfortably shy.  So we've been working on helping him make friends. Aaron continues to have hard days. And to spiral things out of control when he doesn't get what he wants.  We haven't been back to see Jeremy for a few weeks.  It started to get where he was telling us the same things, it felt like.  Aaron just really needs to put the things into practice, but that is slow to happen.  Rachel is doing a volleyball clinic at school in addition to dance and piano.  She's really liking it.  Danny's school didn't end up having a basketball team, but he has kept in contact with the kids on the NLV team and one of the dad's is a coach so all he had to do was ask and they put him on the team.  It's nice for him to not have to take the winter off.  Ruby is doing great in preschool and she's so fun to have at home.

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