Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016

My arms were really bad again this week so I finally went to the chiropractor.  I prayed about it because I had so much fear about it because of my past experiences.  I felt like it would be ok so I made an appointment with Matt Anderson, our home teacher.  I still didn't like it, but it was ok and over pretty fast.  It may have helped, I can't tell yet.  It's not gone, but it hasn't woken me up much either. I also got a new pillow there that seems pretty good too.

Danny went on a field trip to Disneyland this week.  He had a great time.  Aaron had a field trip last week to go river rafting at the Hoover Dam.  They had field day.  We're doing all the final things for the school year.

We met our trek family this week.  It was so fun.  We have great kids.  I'm excited.

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