Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 8, 2016

Today is Mother's day. Bob made breakfast and he and Rachel got me flowers and candy. and the kids all made great cards.  I got a knife and sharpener, creme brule stuff and a nice water pitcher.  And it's a gorgeous sunny day.  We've had lots or wind and rain this week.  This spring has had lots of changing weather.  It's been fun.

I may have a job at the kids school next year.  I have been fasting and praying since last year that we'd be able to get Aaron in to Sky Pointe for next year. Then the lottery numbers came out and Aaron is #10.  That's not too bad of a number, but there's no way 10 kids will leave the 5th grade this summer.  So I was a little disappointed, but I kept praying and talking to the registrar.  She said probably my only real chance is to get a job at the school because that would change my priority and would jump him up to #2, which could have an actual chance of getting a spot.  Ruby got in to full day kindergarten so I do have time to work there if I need to.  So I took my resume to the elementary side and they said they need on call aides. But on-call isn't enough to get staff priority.  But what I'd really like to do is help with sports in the middle and high school.  They are just getting their programs going.  I've been helping with the boys basketball team quite a bit so I have a relationship with the coach and Athletic director.  And I've been going to the monthly parent committee meetings and I know the principle and vice principle.  So after the last meeting I sat down with the principle and he said they are actually looking to add an Athletic Secretary that would work 3 hours a day.  That would be my ideal scenario.  But they don't know yet if they'll have enough money to pay for a secretary after they hire some more teachers.  That's actually ok because I don't care if I get paid.  I think I'd probably only make $400/month anyway.  So it's good to know they have a need.  I'm supposed to check in at the end of the year.  I'm hoping whether they can pay me or not, that they'll want my help and can at least get me the spot for Aaron.

I've felt pretty supported in this whole process.  Like when a door closed I had some help coming up with the next way to try.  I'm so hopeful it'll work out how I want it to.  But I guess if it doesn't I've gained some experience at being persistent and looking for ways around something.  Aaron should have a pretty easy time getting in to the school for 6th grade if it doesn't work this year, but I really don't want him to have to wait!

I also feel like I've had to be persistent and keeps trying with my hands.  Nothing seems to be changing and I still really can't recognize hardly anything that makes my hands better or worse.  I do think swimming helps a little and maybe if I work on my core muscles so I can stand straighter.  But those just have a little affect. I liked acupuncture. It didn't seem to make any difference, but I only went twice.  Their hours are not helpful.  They aren't open during preschool and I just don't have the time right now to go twice a week and find a babysitter for something that I don't know will actually help it.  Maybe I'll try again after school gets out. My neurologist said he can't help me.  So now that's neurology, physical therapy and orthopedic surgery that have all tried and said they can't help.  I still haven't tried a chiropractor on my neck. But it scares me and I haven't felt strongly that I need to.  I did try the chiropractor on my ribs and it made the tingling worse.  I think I'm going to ask my dad and Bob for a healing blessing when we're together for memorial day and see if that can help.

Our family went and volunteered at the Mt. Charleston Marathon yesterday.  It was so great.  I've been wanting to get my kids out to more service and then the women's session of conference was all about service so I realized I just need to make it happen.  So we went and took some other youth from the ward.  It was great.  Danny was pretty grumpy about being there, but half way through they put us at the pizza table with no instruction and a gathering group of hungry runners and we just had to jump in.  Danny rose to the occasion and it made such a difference for him.  His mood got so much better and he was happy and talkative for the rest of the day.  He's been in a grumpy teenager mood for a few weeks, but yesterday he was so happy and agreeable and today too.  It's a really nice mother's day present.

We have a 21 day challenge in our stake to work on temple and family history.  It's worked out pretty well.  I've been able to go to the temple once a week for the 3 weeks and I plan to take the beehives to do baptisms so they can participate in the challenge. I also found a name on Meema's line that I felt like I needed to figure out.  She took hours and I even had my mom look for a few hours.  From what I could find she went by several different names at different times. Oregon Virginia Vergie Nancy Rebecka Whitley Clear. And there were so many versions of her and her kids.  Once I was finally done researching her and merging everyone, the only work to be done was to seal her to her parents.  Hopefully she really wanted that.  Bob and I will go do it next week.

Last weekend I went to Women's Conference with Amanda and Wendy.  It was so great.  I love those girls.  It rained a lot, but it didn't matter.  We went to some great sessions. Mostly we stayed in the Marriott center.  We ate a lot of good food and went shopping.  We stayed up late talking. The thing I came away most from the conference was how amazing those women are.  And how much they consecrate their lives to the Lord.  I want to work harder and be better at that.  All the work would definitely be worth the joy of being that helpful.

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