Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 10, 2016

I guess March must have been really busy. Seth and Aaron are playing soccer.  Rachel and Ruby are still dancing.  Danny is back with Ballerz and his school is having a late basketball season, so he's doing 2 teams at the same time. Young women's is busy.  I helped Stephanie Jovaag quite a bit in March. We had Spring Break and Easter and Danny's birthday and general conference.

We went to Visalia for Spring Break.  We left right after school got out on Friday because Casey and Kami were there that weekend.  Everyone came to my parents' to see them.  We went to the park and had a picnic, we had a party for all the March and April birthdays, we played frisbees in the backyard quite a bit. Then everyone left at the end of the weekend and the kids and I stayed until Thursday with my mom.  We played miniature golf and went to the arcade, went shopping, the boys helped at Grandma Donna's, we watched movies.  It was a nice, lazy spring break.  We came home Thursday so Danny could play in a Basketball tournament. Then we had a nice Easter at home with Bob.

Our garden is growing great.  We still have only eaten the kale, spinach and basil, but the peas, carrots, onions and tomatoes should be soon.  Ruby and I love to go out an check on it every day.  I look for aphids and check on things and Ruby counts all the ladybugs.  If I don't remember to go out there, Ruby reminds me.

Danny turned 14.  He had 4 friends over and played basketball and sting pong and had pizza and cake.  They also tried the pool but it only lasted 5 minutes. Sting pong is a game Danny came up with.  They play ping pong and then if a boy looses a point, he has to take his shirt off and turn around and the other boy gets to hit the ball as hard as they can at his back. They love it. Crazy boys.

My hands continue to be a problem.  I had another test for MS because my neurologist thinks I could be in the 5% of people who don't show up in the brain MRI. I got an infusion of Steroids every day for 3 days.  It didn't do anything for my hands, so I think that rules out MS for me.  But it was a horrible drug.  It made me achy and tired and gave me a bad taste in my mouth and I didn't sleep well.  And then when I stopped I was really achy and tired for 2 days, so much that I had to stay in bed most of the time.  I'm glad that's done.  This week I'm trying acupunture.

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