Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 12, 2017

We've been having a nice February.  It's been in the 60s to 70 and sunny.  I like winter like this.

I've been working on the 14 days of Valentines with Bob.  It's such a great reminder how helpful it is to serve and think of the other person.  Because our marriage is so great when we do.  Not that it's bad normally, but so much better when we put some effort in to it.

I've still been going along with my breathing and sleep problems.  They seemed to hit a plateau. I kept feeling like I wasn't getting any answers because it's not going away. But this week I realized I have gotten answers and things have gotten a little better.  But I realized I still wasn't relying on the Spirit as much as I should. I was still falling back into my old ways.  I found a book on Deseret Book called Finding Inner Peace, Lessons learned from trying too hard by Wendy and Brent Top.  I haven't read all of it, but it's making a lot of sense.  I'm still trying to run faster than I should and faster than the Spirit tells me to.  So the last couple days I have visualized sharing a yoke with the Savior.  And my goal is to stay yoked all day.  I pray for help in the morning and try to pay attention to when I don't have peace and then I know I'm going off on my own.  That has brought a lot of peace.  And it's been one of the only things that has had a direct effect on helping my breathing.  I still have the tendency to hold my diaphragm tight.  But if I notice I'm doing it, I can relax it a little.  I've never been able to do that before.  Usually if I think about it, it gets worse.  I'm so hopeful for a change in my breathing and sleep and in my whole life.

This is the last week of high school basketball.  It's been a good season, but it'll be nice for Danny to not be so busy.

My garden is doing well.  I've found I like winter gardening because there are no bugs! I'm harvesting brocolli, cauliflower, kale, carrots and peas right now. It's great.

I was asked to be a level leader at girls camp.  I'm excited to go to camp!

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