Sunday, November 26, 2017

November 26, 2017

I've been having wierd symptoms for the past couple of years.  I have the hand tingling/numb/weak issues at night.  Breathing problems.  My hair falls out enough that I have a ton of baby hairs once or twice a year.  I've had a lot of wierd anxiety where I worry about things more than I used to, or my body acts like it's really worried even though my mind doesn't really feel that worried.  I don't sleep well.  It's hard to go to sleep, I wake up for hours at a time, I wake up way too early, I almost never get 8 hours of sleep.  They've all gotten to where they really disrupt my life.  I've been actively working on things since last summer (2015). Well, I worked on it before by going to doctors for my hands and and trying other things.  But I feel like I actually started on the correct path last summer when I started going to see Valerie.  She helped me see a few false beliefs/skewed beliefs that I didn't realize were off, but fixing them brought a lot of peace. One example was that I didn't think I was ever really doing my best because I messed up.  I knew better so I thought I should do better.  I didn't take the atonement into account or that this life is a process and the Lord knew I'd be right here on my path right now and He's ok with that.  So I need to be ok with it too.  She has a great way of descibing the gospel and the plan and was very helpful in helping me see things that I didn't even know were wrong in my belief system.  I saw her for a while, but my breathing was still a problem.  She said she couldn't help me any more, but she refered me to Dr. Kruger and the supplement lady in Ogden.  I've learned so much from Dr. Kruger and I feel like he was also very helpful for Seth, but it didn't fix my breathing issues.  The supplement lady was interesting and her supplements probably did help me, but they didn't fix my issues either.  Along the way I had a priesthood blessing for my hands and they haven't completely healed, but they aren't nearly as bad as they used to be.  Now my hands get more stiff and weak at night, which is still annoying but it doesn't generally wake me up at least.

I've studied a ton of nutrition and health websites and books.  I feel like I'm searching for truth because it's become hidden over time.  The standard american diet and the regular health care system does not lead to health the way our Heavenly Father intended, I believe.  I've cut meat and dairy out of our diets at home for the most part.  We eat many more fruits and vegetables than we used to. I go to the temple weekly and fast on many of those days.  I've also really studied and applied Elder Nelson's talk from April 2017 about accessing the power of Christ.  I've felt I need access to that power in order to find healing.  

This fall I found a functional doctor who did more medical tests on me and found that I have active Epstein-Barr, Lyme and Lyme coinfection viruses and all of my symptoms can be a result of those viruses in my body.  At the same time I was led again to Cynthia Sumner and her whole healing program.  She teaches about the power of plants and our mind in healing our bodies.  I've found a lot of healing through her program.  I've found that when I eat raw for at least 2 meals a day that my symptoms are decreased.  I breathe better and I sleep better.

temple what to do for viruses- mind as biomachine, meditate on Savior's love.
switch flipped with 7 allergens, will be similar when I figure out health. consequences of lack of sleep taken away, not lack of sleep.

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