Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8, 2018

temple what to do for viruses- mind as biomachine, meditate on Savior's love.
At the functional doctor who found my viruses, they have a treatment called the biomachine that is 2 metal rods you hold that she puts of different frequencies that the viruses are supposed to not like.  I went 6 times. I wasn't sure if it was helping, but when I stopped things got worse so it must have been helping a little.  I went to the temple to try to figure out what course I should follow to heal my symptoms-Cynthia's program or the biomachine.  In the celestial room I felt impressed to try meditating to access the Lord's power with my mind.  That must be a higher frequency than my own thoughts.  So I tried it at home. The first time it was just regular meditating.  The second time the Spirit taught me what he meant.  I felt an outpouring of the Savior's love. Kind of like the warm, swelling feeling with an answer to prayer, but it just kept going.  Tears flowed from my eyes because it was stronger than my body.  It has been the most amazing gift.  It probably is also healing things in my body, but it is just such an enormous blessing for my spirit and mind that even if it isn't healing anything, I still do it every day.  I feel like I can get closer to the veil and His love is tangible.  I still do it pretty much every day and make sure I have a tissue because I still cry most times.

switch flipped with 7 allergens, will be similar when I figure out health. 
I read a book by  a woman ( can't remember her name) who talked about the 7 common allergens and also some of the Mark Hyman and suggested going off those allergens for 3 weeks.  Prior to that I had been having some really strong food cravings, which was frustrating.  Then within a day or 2 of this diet my cravings were gone, like a flip was switched.  I was praying about some of my current symptoms and how frustrating they are and that, while I can contain some symptoms by being super dilligent, there are too many and I can't work on them all at the same time.  I had this impression come that when I finally found the solution I'm looking for that it will be able to control my issues like when I went off the allergens, like a flip.  I'm still looking forward to that.

consequences of lack of sleep taken away, not lack of sleep.
When I was really struggling to sleep I would pray that he would just help me sleep.  When I didn't get enough sleep it was hard to be kind and patient and to have energy to get everything done and my eyes usually hurt. One night I realized that maybe I was praying for the wrong thing.  I prayed that whatever happened at night that the next day would be ok.  And that next day, even though I got little sleep, I didn't have the usual problems from lack of sleep.

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