Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7

We had a hard week this week. Aaron's tantrums were constant. He was sick so that added to it. Also, he's been doing really well with keeping his thumb out, which is great, but when he's been sick and tired, he hasn't had his thumb to comfort him, so I think that added to the tantrums. And now he's started sneaking to suck his thumb. He still says he wants to quit, so I'm glad about that. Maybe after his sickness is gone, he'll be able to finish off the thumbsucking.

I really hope next week is better than last week for Aaron. I felt like such a failure with him. There was nothing I could think of that would help him. He was constantly upset about something and having a tantrum or hurting Danny or Rachel.

On Thursday I noticed Aaron had one swollen lymph node in his neck. It was literally golf ball sized. So I took him in to the doctor to check it out. Last November both of them swelled up really big so they did x-rays and blood tests, but didn't find anything wrong. So this time, since it was just one lymph node, the doctor thought it was an infection in it. So he gave us amoxacillin. The only thing Aaron ever said was bothering him was that he had a scratchy throat, but he said it wasn't that bad. So we started the medicine on Thursday and then on Saturday he had a huge allergic reaction. He has red splotches all over his body and last night his lips and face were swollen. Bob took him to urgent care in the middle of the night because we were worried his tongue would swell too. They said it was probably a reaction to the Amoxacillin. We'll go see his regular doctor tomorrow and see what they want us to do now.

The kids finished school this week. On the last day of school Danny had an award ceremony. He got lots of awards, including one for having the most AR points in the whole first grade. AR stands for Accellerated Reader and it's where they read books and then take tests on the computer about the book. Danny's so competitive and driven. If there's some goal and someone to beat, he'll really work hard. We're really proud of him.

My hip is doing pretty well this week. I'm walking in the morning now. I really like it. I'm not actually getting to run, but everything else I love about running is there--getting out early when it's cool and quiet, being by myself, time to think about anything. I'm hopeful that someday I'll run, but I'm really making progress I guess. I can exercise regularly and I don't have much pain in the day. It's been a long time since that was the case.

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