Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26

My kids are driving me crazy today. Things have really been pretty good with fighting and tantrums, but today we're all tired and it's making it really hard. Rachel's whiny, Danny is teasing and Aaron is tantruming. I was up a lot with Seth because he was sick last night. And it seems like there are more fights on Sundays anyway.

This weekend was our first regular three day weekend since Bob changed to his new 4 -10 hour schedule. It was nice, but by the end it was a little boring. We didn't plan anything to do. The first day I had lots of jobs for Bob to do around the house since we've been gone so much lately. Then that night we had a family movie night and watched Peter Pan. Then Saturday, we should have gone somewhere or started a project, but we didn't. I did get to go to exercise classes at the gym both days, so that was really nice.

Then at night after the kids went to bed, Bob and I watched part of a Harry Potter movie since we're going to try to go to see the new one at the theater next weekend. But then Seth started throwing up all over the floor. And then he dry-heaved for a while after that. Poor little boy. Then he's been fine today and he never had a fever. And I'd just nursed him and he ate some peas earlier in the day, but he's been eating peas all week. I don't know what was wrong.

This weekend will be "girls weekend" for me. My mom and sister are coming and we're staying at a hotel and shopping and eating and going to a show. I'm excited! I hope the kids are good for Bob.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


It's summer vacation, so I don't really have a typical day right now, but I thought I might like to remember what the days were like when I read over this years from now.

  • Got up 3 times with kids last night and my hip has been hurting a little, so I decided to sleep in and skip the gym this morning.
  • The kids started coming in around 7, but I didn't get out of bed until 7:40. At that time I got dressed, said my prayer (asking for patience with the kids), and went out to the kitchen. There I found the kids watching tv. The fridge door was wide open with a chair in it and a spilled strawberry smoothie all over inside and on the floor. Aaron had tried to get it and slipped and then didn't know how to clean it up so he just left it. It looked like it had been there at least 15 minutes.
  • Served cold cereal to the kids
  • Told everyone to get dressed and we went to go check out the Target that just opened.
  • We bought the kids all new backpacks and lunchboxes because we need them, and because it's easier to get out of the store with happy kids if they get something.
  • Figured out how to use the food processor I got for christmas and grated zucchini from my mom to make zucchini brownies.
  • Made peanut butter sandwiches for lunch
  • Danny had a friend over and all 4 kids played rain trampoline while I hung out with Seth inside.
  • Worked on websites for a little while
  • Made pizza for dinner
  • Put Seth to bed around 7:30
  • Put other kids to bed around 8:30
  • Watched "So you think you can dance"
  • Read "Jesus the Christ" for about 20 minutes
  • Went to bed at 10:30

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

8 Years

Bob and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary this year by having my mom stay with the kids while Bob and I went downtown and stayed at the Venetian hotel. We had a great time. We had a super nice room. We ate at a nice Italian restaurant in the hotel and walked around and looked at things. We stayed on a Tuesday night and Bob had to be back at work the next morning at 9. But the nice lady at the desk let us have a late checkout so I went home and got the kids and my mom and we went back and spent the day in the pools. It was a great time.

I love Bob so much. He's my best friend. And he is SO good-looking. I am so in love with him. He's such a good, fun, loving man. I'm very blessed.

Summer Vacation/Family Reunion

We had a great summer vacation this year! We went to Midway, UT for a Woolley/Barnhart family reunion and for Grandpa Gene's 80th birthday. Bob and I especially like Midway because we spent some of our honeymoon there. Here's the quick run down of what we did.
  • Stayed in a great cabin and the weather was perfect.
  • We had a great party to celebrate Grandpa.
  • Went fishing with Uncle Ryan. Rachel loved the worms most and liked to rip them in half for the fishermen.
  • We did some fireworks for the 4th of July and watched the Midway fireworks from the hot tub.
  • We went to BYU and the kids bowled. Aaron won.
  • Rode the Alpine slides
  • Went on a great kid-hike organized by Ryan
  • Rented a boat and water-skiied/rode the tube. The kids loved that!
  • We went to church and Elder Holland was there and bore a powerful testimony.
Summer Vacation '09