Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Vacation/Family Reunion

We had a great summer vacation this year! We went to Midway, UT for a Woolley/Barnhart family reunion and for Grandpa Gene's 80th birthday. Bob and I especially like Midway because we spent some of our honeymoon there. Here's the quick run down of what we did.
  • Stayed in a great cabin and the weather was perfect.
  • We had a great party to celebrate Grandpa.
  • Went fishing with Uncle Ryan. Rachel loved the worms most and liked to rip them in half for the fishermen.
  • We did some fireworks for the 4th of July and watched the Midway fireworks from the hot tub.
  • We went to BYU and the kids bowled. Aaron won.
  • Rode the Alpine slides
  • Went on a great kid-hike organized by Ryan
  • Rented a boat and water-skiied/rode the tube. The kids loved that!
  • We went to church and Elder Holland was there and bore a powerful testimony.
Summer Vacation '09

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