Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nov 1

I taught the combined young women today. The lesson was on taking care of our physical bodies. I think it went well. The young women don't give the same kind of feedback that the RS sisters do. It was a good lesson to teach for me because it really made me aware of how I need to eat better. I've been working on eating more fruits and vegetables. But then this weekend was Halloween, so I've eaten way to much candy, of course.

We had a fun Halloween last night. Danny and Aaron were Star Wars guys. Rachel was a princess and Seth was a football player. We walked down our usual street, plus an extra. So the kids came home with lots of candy. The weather was great too. We had a really cold week. Our Trunk or treat on thursday was cold, but it warmed back up.

Rachel had Hand, Foot and mouth disease this week. That is such a bad sickness. Danny had it a couple of years ago. It gives you canker sores all over your mouth. Danny didn't talk for two days when he had it because he didn't want to move his mouth. Rachel got the canker sores on her throat and tonsils. This was the sickest and grumpiest I've ever seen her. She's pretty much over it now, though. We're glad for that.

My back is still doing great. And I'm able to work out at the gym and have a great time. And my websites continue to stay busy. As soon as I feel like I'm close to being caught up, someone else calls or sends me an email wanting something new set up. I guess if it was the other way and no one was calling, I'd have that to complain about. So I guess I'd rather have it this way; and so far it's not been an overwhelming amount of work. But it's always there; I work at least an hour a day.

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