Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nov 15

Last weekend we went camping again to Valley of Fire. This time we went with the Deans. We had a great time. The kids all climbed around the rocks all evening. We did hot dogs and smores again. Aaron and Seth didn't sleep very well this time, but I guess we don't go camping for the sleep anyway. The next morning we went to Elephant Rock and Mouse's Tank with our friends. The weather was great.

Then that Saturday night was the adult session of Stake conference. That is always so good. They talked about actively watching over our youth and about the economy and how we need to increase our fast offerings if we can. Last year during the same conference I got the impression we should increase our fast offerings then and we've definitely been blessed because of it. I'm sure this time will be no different. We went with the Deans and then went out to Chinese with them after.

Wednesday there was no school because of Veteran's day so Kata and I went shopping. We left the kids home with our husbands and we had the day off. It was really nice.

Yesterday Bob ran another triathlon. This one was in St. George. Two other men from our ward were going and invited him. He had a great time. I'm proud of him. He's such a great man.

And our computer died this week. It's been having problems on and off since we got it, but this week it finally decided not to start back up. Aside from having to spend the extra money to buy a new computer and the time to reinstall programs, it hasn't been a huge problem. About two months ago I set up our computer with an online backup service. We have an external hard drive, but we're not great about using it every day. And I'd been worried about our pictures; if there was ever a fire or something, we'd lose all our pictures for good. So, it's such a huge blessing that all of our files were saved. Otherwise I'm sure this week would have been a lot more stressful.

Grandma Donna is coming to stay with us this week. I'm excited to have her around for a few days. And then the next week we'll go to Visalia for Thanksgiving. And then the month of December is always so fun with all the Holiday traditions. There's lots of fun things coming up!

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