Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nov 22

Grandma Donna came this week. We had a great visit with her. She was here Tues-thurs. It was fun to hear her stories and have someone to go grocery shopping with and she was so helpful to watch kids when I had to go to soccer practice and drive carpools. She even went on Aaron's fieldtrip with us.

Aaron's fieldtrip was to the Anderson Dairy. We've been there a few times before and it's a cute little tour. It was fun to see Aaron interact with his class. He's a little more energetic than Danny and Rachel were. And he seems to talk and play with the girls more than the boys. At least he did on that day.

We leave on Tuesday for Visalia. I'm excited. And we're going to set up the Christmas tree today so it'll be all ready to go when we get back.

Yesterday I sat down with the kids and we looked for toys on because their deadline for sending their lists to Santa is today. I've been so organized this Christmas, it's making things so easy and fun. I saved all the toys in my amazon wish list and when we get back from Thanksgiving I'll order it all and be done! No going to crowded stores in December! And since we've been doing our mvelopes budgeting this year, we've been saving money toward Christmas all year. Our general plan is to spend about $100 per kid. And since we saved it up before, I don't have to worry about how much we're spending--we already planned on it.

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