Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16

Bob and Aaron are in Virginia. They left on Tuesday and get back on Tuesday. Seth was supposed to go with them. I'd been thinking of all the freedom I'd have with kids in school all day. But Monday night when we started getting things out for the boys to go, I just couldn't do it. Seth had to stay home with me; I'd miss him too much. So Bob and Aaron have been having a great trip. Aaron has loved getting so much attention. And Bob's liked getting to spend time with Aaron without tantrums. It was probably good too because Seth has been getting a tooth this week and he's been a little grumpy, which is not how he normally is.

Danny, Rachel and I had a Harry Potter movie party on Friday night. We watched the 4th movie together. They hadn't seen it yet and we thought it would be a good time while Aaron was gone. We made treats and ordered pizza. They thought it was great.

I had another OB appointment this week. I heard the heartbeat and got to see an ultrasound. It was fun to see it look more babyish than the last times when it was only a few weeks. I think I'm going to switch back to my old doctor, Dr. Kelly. I went to her with Seth and she was really good, but she does surgeries, not appointments on Fridays. So I went to her partner instead so I could go while Bob is off. But I really don't like her. She's a little pushy and doesn't listen to me. So I'll just have to get a babysitter over the summer and in the fall I can take Seth with me if I need to or there's a lady in our ward who babysits if I need.

It was stake conference this weekend. The adult session is always so great. And it's so nice to be able to listen and not have to chase anyone at the same time. The first thing they talked about was marriage and they read a statement about how men aren't supposed to have vasectomies. Bob had suggested that he get one next year because he doesn't want to have any more babies after this one. So I was glad they said something. I guess he won't be doing that.

And I don't feel as final as I thought I would with this baby. Maybe I'm not far along in my pregnancy yet. I remember at the end with Seth and then right after I delivered him I wanted four kids to be enough. It never really felt enough, but I didn't want to have to be pregnant again. And I barely got pregnant with this one--I hadn't really even convinced Bob yet, but he said he would have come around. Bob seems pretty set on no more than five, though. And I don't know if I can handle six. I guess I could though if that's how many Heavenly Father has for me. We'd definitely have to have a bigger house, and a new car. I just thought it would feel more final already.

I'm working more on websites. I have some big projects to get done before the baby. It'll be nice to save up some money too. And Bob got another programming contracting job with a company in Henderson. So he can do a little work on Fridays. We just would really like to be able to make enough money to have a down payment on a bigger house while home prices are still so low. We bought while the market was high, so it seems only fair that we should get to buy when it's low now to even things out.

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