Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9

Today is Mother's day. Bob has worked really hard to give me a nice day. I slept in and woke up to eggs and bacon and sausage and biscuits. The kids and Bob all made nice cards for me. Bob got me flowers and a hot air popcorn popper that I've been wanting. He took care of Seth the whole time at church. He made lunch and now he's busy making me cookies. He's so wonderful!

I'm not really sick at all any more. And a lot less tired. But I've been having other new symptoms like a bad taste in my mouth and not being able to breathe (I always have that at the end, but I don't remember having it this early before.). I think I'm 12 weeks now. I'm going in for another appointment on Wednesday. They didn't check for the heartbeat at my last visit and I just want to make sure everything is ok since my symptoms are so different than other pregnancies. I'm usually sick until about 16 weeks. I don't really have any memory of being sick with Rachel, so maybe it means this one is a girl. But I was also nursing while I was pregnant, so that might have made a difference too.

Bob and I went to the temple friday night. We went to 3 baseball and tball games and a practice. I drove my last turn for the carpool of the school year this week. That was a good feeling. We also went to the kids' end of year dance festival at their school.

Bob leaves with Seth and Aaron for VA on Tuesday night. I'm excited for the freedom I'll have, but I know I'll miss them a ton.

I told Aaron about the baby on Monday. I was really tired and needed a nap that day because I got up at 5 to go to a spinning class. Aaron's really been effected by my pregnancy the most because he's home with me all day and he's mostly the one I've been too tired or sick to play with. I think that's been what's setting off his tantrums lately. So I told him I had a secret, that we're going to have another baby. He was super excited. He hopes it's a boy. I thought he'd want to share the news with the other kids at fhe that night, but he didn't want too. He wants to keep that secret for a couple of weeks, he said. And he has. I thought he'd slip up or get too excited to share when the kids were playing together, but he hasn't. He seems to really like having this information that the other kids don't have. So we're letting him keep the secret for a little bit. I think we'll convince him to share the news when he gets back from VA. We can't wait too much longer, I'm already looking chubby. Pretty soon it'll be obvious.

Danny and Rachel have been changing Seth's diaper this weekend. I offered Danny 10 bonuses ($1.00) yesterday to change Seth's soggy diaper. I thought it'd be good for him to learn. He thought it was great--especially the easy money. So he did it again this morning, but after the first time, wet diapers are only worth 2 bonuses. And Seth was just poopy and Rachel offered to change him. She did a great job and wasn't grossed out at all. She earned 10 bonuses. This is going to be a nice system, but a little expensive!

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