Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 2011

Two weeks ago we went to Visalia for the weekend to visit. Gma Monte and Gpa Gene were visiting my mom, so we went too and Ryan and Venessa and Kristal. It was fun to see them. It rained all weekend. We went shopping and to a children's museum in Visalia.

Last week we were at home, but I was working on our family year book in my free time on Sunday. I finally got that done and printed for 2010. We've been healthy still. We've gone to church for a month. We are really being blessed. It's so wonderful to all be healthy! And Seth has got to go to nursery enough that he's starting to do ok when we leave him.

Seth is also doing great going to BJ's. He has a great time there. This week when Aaron left for a playgroup, Seth asked to go to BJ's--he thinks that's his friend's house. So cute. And Ruby started taking a bottle for BJ so both of them are happy there. It's great. I should be using some of the time to work, but I've just been going to the gym to take classes when I drop off the kids.

Today is Bob's birthday. Kenton and Joe came this week to go to the Mountain West Conference with him. It's so great how that is always right by his birthday. He loves going and having friends come go with him.

I've been reading my scriptures with a notebook again. It's amazing how easy it is to get promptings when that book is open and I say a prayer first. I have to really work to find time while Ruby is sleeping and Seth is entertained, but it's such a blessing when I do.

We're still waiting to hear on our house. I'm getting so anxious to move. Ruby is four months now. She needs her own bedroom so bad. She still sleeps in her carseat in our bathroom or in our bed. We were told we'd probably hear by last friday, but we didn't. All we heard was that the Bank increased their price from $230 to $235, 000. Which, of course, we accepted because we're (I'm) so ready to get into a bigger house.

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