Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 10, 2011

We didn't move this weekend either. We almost did. We got one of the two approvals we needed, but the third one said it would be at least Monday. But the Lewis's said we can move in if we want. So we really thought about it because I'm going to be out of town next weekend. We started getting ready to move on Thursday. Bob felt fine about it. But I kept getting this pit feeling in my stomach. And when I'd try to pray about it, I couldn't focus my thoughts on it, my mind kept wandering. And I've been thinking about moving all the time for months, so not being able to think about I realized was a stupor of thought. I prayed and prayed about it our situation because Bob felt ok with it and I didn't.

I had Bob give me a blessing because I've not understood these kinds of feelings before and ignored them and then I really regretted it after. Satan can really get to me when I mess up like that. The blessing said that the fog in my mind would clear and that my heart and mind would both make sense. I thought about it all night. Finally about four in the morning I realized I didn't feel good about it not because the sale is going to fall apart and that the house won't eventually be ours, but because it's not ours yet. And it really doesn't feel like it's the Lewis's to give either because they haven't been paying on it for almost a year. But that answer gave me the peace I was looking for. I explained it to Bob and he was good with it. So, he's probably going to have to move in without me, but he's fine with that.

Hopefully things will go well with the banks this week and we'll be able to buy our new house and move in. I've been praying about that for weeks. I even started praying for the people who will be signing the approvals with the banks. I hope they are happy and have nice lives. And I hope we get our house soon. In the meantime, we have a key to the house and we've found excuses to need to go over there most days this week. We all like to go try out all that nice space.

I also had a great experience already with assigning a day of the week to each family member. On Monday I felt that I need to get Danny reading the Book of Mormon every day. So I printed out a reading chart for him. He seemed excited about it. And then on Friday, as I prayed for Ruby, one of the things I asked for was that she would learn to roll over since she hasn't done that yet. That day she rolled over two times! And then it was just nice to have time to focus and pray about each person and make sure I spent some good time with them.

My websites are hard to get going on. I keep running into delays from server issues, but I'm also procrastinating. But I'm coming up on my May deadline for both United Ways and I'm starting to feel the pressure of that. It'll be great money and good experience, but right now I'm wondering why I'm doing this. It's just adding to my stress with moving and five kids and all the things I have going on. But the only way to get rid of that is to push through it and just do it. So I'm hoping to move this week and then really make some good progress over spring break when my mom is here and can watch the kids for me.

We've all been quite healthy other than allergies for a long time. I feel so blessed with that.

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