Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 29, 2011

Now we're done with Baseball. Danny had 2 playoff games this week. They were close, but they lost both and it was a double elimination tournament. He played well, though. He got a hit, which he hasn't done in a while. And he made a few runs from getting walked. He was really upset when they lost that second game. He got tears in his eyes as we went home. Sweet little boy.

I got my pillows and love them. Now I'm going to paint my kitchen chairs to match the table. And I know what curtains I want and I'm going to the fabric store tomorrow. It's so nice to have a plan.

All three older kids are now playing tennis. Aaron asked if he could play and then Danny wanted to also. The coach is really good and easy going so he had no problem adding the boys even though the session already started. It was so fun to walk over there with the three of them and watch them all work on a new skill together.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 22, 2001

We thought baseball was done last week, but Danny's team is in the playoffs. So he has at least 2 more games. But Aaron is done. And Rachel started her last session of tennis for the summer. She just moved up a level. It was so fun to watch her be really good even compared with the older girls in her new class.

I've been searching for how to decorate our house. But I can't find something I love to start from. I've looked online a bunch and gone to fabric stores. Then I found some pillows this week at Crate and Barrel. They are great and have a lot of color. So I ordered four. They'll come tomorrow and then I'll go get curtain fabric hopefully next week. And yesterday I stapled the laminated fabric I bought onto our $5 table. I think it'll work really well. At least for a year or two while I figure out what kind of table I'll want and save up money for it.

Kata and I planned a going away party for a friend who has moved out of our ward. And things are really moving on my websites. I think I'll be done with my big projects by the time school gets out, like I planned.

Ruby is sitting up now and eating solid food. She's had rice cereal, peas and graham crackers so far. She takes a bottle great thanks to BJ. She's so fun. She's interested in everything and wants to touch and hold anything she can reach.

We've been getting things a little more organized in our family. We're trying new things with the kids fighting. When 2 kids have a problem, they have to go do "handshakes" together. Usually they get 5 but it can be more if it's really bad. They have to go do our Cox family handshake 5 times and then they have to ask each other to forgive them. So far it's been working great. It really diffuses the situation. We also started a job and allowance system. They get allowance once a month. They get twice their age and they have to save 20% and pay tithing. I have an app on my phone that tracks their money like a bank account. And we'll pay 10% interest quarterly. Their jobs are to clean their room before school. They have to fold and put away their laundry. And they each have a dinner job-set, clear and vacuum. And then they have Saturday jobs. I make a list of things that need to be done on Friday and assign them.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15, 2011

Last Monday and Tuesday I watched all four Dean kids while Kata and Collin went to San Francisco for 2 days and 2 nights. We decided we'd take turns watching each other's kids. And it really wasn't that bad having 9 kids. I had to arrange rides and carpools for all the kids activities because we couldn't all fit in the car for me to drive them. And I just planned on not getting anything done except watching kids. Everyone had a blast. Our kids were so excited about their sleep over party. And it was so great to have so much room for everyone to go.

We've had sickness around here again. Rachel, Aaron and Ruby so far. Hopefully it's over soon.

The kids are loving the pool. But this spring has been really cool, which is great for everything except swimming. Oh well. My trampoline is getting a lot of use.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 8, 2011

Aaron got in to all-day kindergarten! Yea! And I found out there are two other kids in our ward doing the all day class. Hopefully we can work out a carpool.

Danny's fasting didn't quite go as planned, but I think it worked out still. I talked to him in the middle of his fast and he said he thought he was feeling good about staying at Antonello. Shoot! That wasn't what was supposed to happen! So then I had to go with the spirit and figure out how to turn it around. So I told him that his dad and I were feeling good about Goynes and parents can get revelation for their children. I talked to him about learning to understand the spirit and about how it feels to me--some of the key points like it'll make sense in your mind and heart; Heavenly Father doesn't use fear as an answer. He was a little mad about me saying he should plan on going to Goynes, but I think he really listened about the other stuff. So I just left it with him being mad about my answer, but the next day he was fine and talking like it had always been the plan for him to go to Goynes. So I guess it didn't work how I planned, but it still worked.

It's Mother's day today. I got to sleep in and the kids all made me cards. I made some muffins the night before and Bob cooked them for me this morning. He's so great. They didn't turn out to be the best muffins; I was just trying a new recipe. They turned out to be a little dry so Bob made icing and put it on them, which helped them a ton, before I was awake. I was pretty impressed that he figured it all out. Then I found a website open on the computer--it was yahoo answers and the question was "Um..How do you Make Icing for Cinnamon Rolls?" He's so cute. I love my husband!

I wanted a trampoline for my present. Our old one broke before we moved. So Bob got me a new 15 foot one and put it together for me yesterday. Our old backyard barely held our 10-ft trampoline. This one feels huge and and backyard has plenty of room for it. We're so blessed.

I worked a ton on my website last week. The drupal site for United Way in Illinois has been hanging over my head for weeks and now I'm finally at the deadline and just had to get it done. I worked 3-4 hours every day. The kids went to BJ's 3 days this week and I worked at night. I made some really good progress. I'm not done, but I have enough to show them and get their feedback before I finish. I feel like I'm really understanding the software better now though. There were so many unknowns for me before that it was a little daunting. But now I feel like I still have some things to do, but I'll be able to do them. I still have to do the second site for Illinois. And then I have to do one for United Way in Provo. So I still have a lot, but I have a month before school gets out. I'm really hoping to keep this pace up for the next month while kids are at school and I can still use BJ. Then I won't have to work much this summer while the kids are home. Because I think 5 kids at home all day is going to be a big enough job. And I want to do a good job with them.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1, 2011

We signed Aaron up for all-day kindergarten this week. There were more than 30 kids who signed up so it'll go to a lottery and we'll know in a month or so if he got in. I've been going back and forth with this for a while. Originally I really wanted to do it. Then I realized I'd miss him and Seth was getting bigger and maybe they could play more, plus it costs $325/month. So I decided he'd be fine at home with me. Then I found out they are changing school times next year so he would only go to kindergarten from 8-10:30. Getting done that early seems like there's hardly a point in going. So I brought it up with Bob again and he said he thinks all-day kindergarten would be great for Aaron. He's already been going to preschool for 2 years and he's already reading. So I finally asked Aaron what he wants and he was super excited to go all day like Danny and Rachel. He said he wants to learn faster. And he wants to take a lunch to school. It'll also make playgroups for him easier because his friends will all be in first grade this year. So hopefully it'll work out for him and he'll get in to the all-day program.

Joan Faircloth has adopted us on Sundays and sits with us and helps me take care of all the kids. We love her. She also works in the office at Goynes--the kids' future school. So she gave us a tour on Friday after school. Aaron and Rachel were really excited. Danny has been really nervous about the change and doesn't want to leave his school. He's actually fasting about it today. I pray that goes well for him. Because I think I need him to move to Goynes with the other kids. And I think he'll adjust fine.

We took family pictures Wednesday night. Celise took them at the Butterfly park. The weather was perfect. And it was right between two really windy days. Seth and Ruby didn't cooperate very well, but I guess that is to be expected with two little ones. I told Bob, it'll only get better. In a few years we'll all actually sit and look and smile at the camera and won't that be amazing.

We were also grateful we took the pictures on Wednesday because Thursday Aaron smashed his face into the floor. The boys were dancing and Aaron never does that half-way. He was trying some new, cool move and he kicked his feet out from under himself and rolled in the air and came down straight on his face. Both lips were bleeding and his nose. After we got the bleeding stopped he laid on the couch for a while and then went to bed. He seemed like he'd be fine. But then around 10:00 he woke up crying "mom, mom, mom!" That's all he said constantly for 20 minutes. The only time he said some thing different was when Bob said his name and Aaron asked "Where's Aaron?". That made us a little nervous. We couldn't get him to calm down, so Bob gave him a blessing of comfort and then he and I left for Urgent Care. We got a third of the way there and Aaron threw up all over himself. So we turned around to clean him up before we took him back to the dr. He threw up a few more times, but then he was doing much better. Bob took him to urgent care then so I could stay with Ruby, who has a cold and isn't sleeping well. The doctor said nothing was broken and he didn't have a concussion. His stomach was just irritated from swallowing a lot of blood. Bob slept with him and checked on him through the night and he was fine. He's fine now. He has some scabs on his chin and a black eye, but he says he's back to normal. And I'm so glad his swelling is mostly down now because it was so sad to look at him with that huge, puffy face.