Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 8, 2011

Aaron got in to all-day kindergarten! Yea! And I found out there are two other kids in our ward doing the all day class. Hopefully we can work out a carpool.

Danny's fasting didn't quite go as planned, but I think it worked out still. I talked to him in the middle of his fast and he said he thought he was feeling good about staying at Antonello. Shoot! That wasn't what was supposed to happen! So then I had to go with the spirit and figure out how to turn it around. So I told him that his dad and I were feeling good about Goynes and parents can get revelation for their children. I talked to him about learning to understand the spirit and about how it feels to me--some of the key points like it'll make sense in your mind and heart; Heavenly Father doesn't use fear as an answer. He was a little mad about me saying he should plan on going to Goynes, but I think he really listened about the other stuff. So I just left it with him being mad about my answer, but the next day he was fine and talking like it had always been the plan for him to go to Goynes. So I guess it didn't work how I planned, but it still worked.

It's Mother's day today. I got to sleep in and the kids all made me cards. I made some muffins the night before and Bob cooked them for me this morning. He's so great. They didn't turn out to be the best muffins; I was just trying a new recipe. They turned out to be a little dry so Bob made icing and put it on them, which helped them a ton, before I was awake. I was pretty impressed that he figured it all out. Then I found a website open on the computer--it was yahoo answers and the question was "Um..How do you Make Icing for Cinnamon Rolls?" He's so cute. I love my husband!

I wanted a trampoline for my present. Our old one broke before we moved. So Bob got me a new 15 foot one and put it together for me yesterday. Our old backyard barely held our 10-ft trampoline. This one feels huge and and backyard has plenty of room for it. We're so blessed.

I worked a ton on my website last week. The drupal site for United Way in Illinois has been hanging over my head for weeks and now I'm finally at the deadline and just had to get it done. I worked 3-4 hours every day. The kids went to BJ's 3 days this week and I worked at night. I made some really good progress. I'm not done, but I have enough to show them and get their feedback before I finish. I feel like I'm really understanding the software better now though. There were so many unknowns for me before that it was a little daunting. But now I feel like I still have some things to do, but I'll be able to do them. I still have to do the second site for Illinois. And then I have to do one for United Way in Provo. So I still have a lot, but I have a month before school gets out. I'm really hoping to keep this pace up for the next month while kids are at school and I can still use BJ. Then I won't have to work much this summer while the kids are home. Because I think 5 kids at home all day is going to be a big enough job. And I want to do a good job with them.

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