Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1, 2011

We signed Aaron up for all-day kindergarten this week. There were more than 30 kids who signed up so it'll go to a lottery and we'll know in a month or so if he got in. I've been going back and forth with this for a while. Originally I really wanted to do it. Then I realized I'd miss him and Seth was getting bigger and maybe they could play more, plus it costs $325/month. So I decided he'd be fine at home with me. Then I found out they are changing school times next year so he would only go to kindergarten from 8-10:30. Getting done that early seems like there's hardly a point in going. So I brought it up with Bob again and he said he thinks all-day kindergarten would be great for Aaron. He's already been going to preschool for 2 years and he's already reading. So I finally asked Aaron what he wants and he was super excited to go all day like Danny and Rachel. He said he wants to learn faster. And he wants to take a lunch to school. It'll also make playgroups for him easier because his friends will all be in first grade this year. So hopefully it'll work out for him and he'll get in to the all-day program.

Joan Faircloth has adopted us on Sundays and sits with us and helps me take care of all the kids. We love her. She also works in the office at Goynes--the kids' future school. So she gave us a tour on Friday after school. Aaron and Rachel were really excited. Danny has been really nervous about the change and doesn't want to leave his school. He's actually fasting about it today. I pray that goes well for him. Because I think I need him to move to Goynes with the other kids. And I think he'll adjust fine.

We took family pictures Wednesday night. Celise took them at the Butterfly park. The weather was perfect. And it was right between two really windy days. Seth and Ruby didn't cooperate very well, but I guess that is to be expected with two little ones. I told Bob, it'll only get better. In a few years we'll all actually sit and look and smile at the camera and won't that be amazing.

We were also grateful we took the pictures on Wednesday because Thursday Aaron smashed his face into the floor. The boys were dancing and Aaron never does that half-way. He was trying some new, cool move and he kicked his feet out from under himself and rolled in the air and came down straight on his face. Both lips were bleeding and his nose. After we got the bleeding stopped he laid on the couch for a while and then went to bed. He seemed like he'd be fine. But then around 10:00 he woke up crying "mom, mom, mom!" That's all he said constantly for 20 minutes. The only time he said some thing different was when Bob said his name and Aaron asked "Where's Aaron?". That made us a little nervous. We couldn't get him to calm down, so Bob gave him a blessing of comfort and then he and I left for Urgent Care. We got a third of the way there and Aaron threw up all over himself. So we turned around to clean him up before we took him back to the dr. He threw up a few more times, but then he was doing much better. Bob took him to urgent care then so I could stay with Ruby, who has a cold and isn't sleeping well. The doctor said nothing was broken and he didn't have a concussion. His stomach was just irritated from swallowing a lot of blood. Bob slept with him and checked on him through the night and he was fine. He's fine now. He has some scabs on his chin and a black eye, but he says he's back to normal. And I'm so glad his swelling is mostly down now because it was so sad to look at him with that huge, puffy face.

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