Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011

We had a normal week at home. We swam every day, made cookies, the kids watched a lot of tv and played the computer. We had a few families over for a bbq and swimming on Friday.

Rachel turned 8. She had a tye-dye themed swimming party. It was so nice to have a pool for her party. It's always to hard to have a birthday party in August because it's so hot. But this was perfect. She had 6 friends over and swam and then did cake and presents. Super easy and fun.

We sure love our Rachel. She's so fun and loving and a good helper most of the time. She's great with Seth and Ruby. She loves her friends. She has a strong testimony. I took her on a lunch date this week. I asked her if she's nervous or excited about school starting and she said both. Then I asked her the same thing about getting baptized and she said she's not nervous at all. I asked her about her testimony and what she knows about the church. She said "I know Jesus will take care of me". She said it with such faith and surety. I love her.

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