Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28, 2011

School starts tomorrow. We've had a great summer. We swam every day. We went on great trips. We had some lazy days. I think we really used our time well.

This week we went to the Dinosaur park. We haven't been there in so long. We haven't gone to any parks for a while because it's so hot. And the dinosaur park is so big I have a hard time watching five kids going five different ways, so I prefer other parks. But we went at 8:00 one morning. We were the first people there. We stayed for an hour and by the end a few people had come, but it was definitely one of the more enjoyable trips to the dinosaur park, even though it was so hot.

One day we went to the water park by Heckethorne e.s. We love that one because it's never been crowded when we've been there. We hadn't gone yet this summer. So we packed a picnic and went. The kids had a great time. Seth and Ruby even loved it. The kids loved to play "jail" and get trapped in the middle of the water sprays. And Seth kept saying, "I get vet! (wet)"

Friday night was the Daddy-Daughter campout. Bob and Rachel had a great time. And the boys and I and Ruby had a "boys party" with the Deans. When the boys go on their campout, Rachel loves all the mother-daughter time. But when I was planning the boys time with them, their ideas kept including the Deans. So we ended up going to Panda Express for dinner and then the Deans came over and we swam in the dark with the pool light and played Mario Kart and stayed up until 10.

Saturday was our annual End of Summer party. We barbequed and swam and played water balloon volleyball. That was the hit of the party. They hadn't played it before. And we have a volleyball net we bought in GA and haven't been able to use since then because our backyard was too small. But now we have a great backyard so we took advantage of that. Even Seth loved playing and he was the official "balloon getter". It was his job to reload the towels with balloons when we popped one.

Rachel got glasses and Danny got new contacts. Rachel picked out some really cute purple frames. She's so excited to be able to see so well. I had asked her a few times before we went to the doctor if she could see the tv from the farthest couch and she said she could see it perfectly clear. But the eye dr said she could see about 20/80 so I guess Rachel didn't know what she meant when she was saying she could see clearly. And Danny has gotten good at getting his contacts in. I think he'll like using them this school year.

I'm excited to be able to get more of a schedule going now that school is starting. And to get more done. But it's also nice that they moved the school day up so the kids will get home at 2:00. I'll still have time to play with them every day after school.

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