Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 21, 2011

Kristal came to visit this week. She is going back to school so she had the summer off. She came last Sunday night and stayed until Friday night. It was so nice to have her here. She watched the kids for me several time so I could run errands or go to the gym. And we went swimming lots. We got a babysitter and did some real shopping one day. And we went to a movie. The kids had a great time with her. And it was so nice to spend time and get to know her better.

Tuesday morning I woke up to hear Ruby crying in her room so I went in to her like usual. But Aaron was holding her in the rocking chair. I didn't know he could get her out of the crib. And then as soon as I took her from him she threw up all over. He told me she fell out of the crib. I knew that couldn't happen, so they he told the truth and said he'd gotten her out of the crib and set her on the twin bed to play with her. Then he walked away to turn the light on and she fell off the bed. He said he just couldn't get back fast enough to catch her. He was so quick to suggest we pray for her and he wanted to say the prayer. So we did that. Then she continued to be really grumpy and didn't want to do anything. So I left the kids with Kristal and took Danny with me to help with Ruby in the car and took her in to see the doctor. She turned out to be fine. So thankful because if she had been hurt it would have been so sad for her and Aaron. We have much stricter rules now for getting Ruby out of bed and carrying her around.

Linda came on Friday afternoon for the weekend. The kids just loved it. She brought plenty of little gifts and took the kids to the dollar store, which was a highlight of the visit. They went swimming and played. And she watched the kids both nights so Bob and I could go out.

We've all had a cough for the last two weeks. We don't feel very sick other than the cough, but it just keeps hanging on. What a pain. I hope we can clear up by the time school starts in a week.

Rachel had her baptism interview this morning. She's so excited and we are too. Just two weeks away...

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