Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6, 2011

We went to the Stanleys for a potluck and then trick-or-treating again this year.  But this time Ruby threw up after dinner so she and I went home and Bob went trick-or-treating with the group.  The kids all had a great time. And we were glad it was Ruby who got sick that night because any of the other kids would have been so sad to miss trick-or-treating.  The three youngest have all gotten the stomach bug this week.  I hope we're almost over it, but we're still seeing the effects.

I'm just about done with my big website conversion. I was supposed to switch it over yesterday, but I ran into a little snag.  So I should be able to finish it up tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to having time to do other things.

This weekend was stake conference.  I love going to the adult session.  I always learn so much.  This time Elder Roberts, I think he's an area authority, told a story about a man who whittles figures at scout camp and has a big impact on all the boys he interacts with.  The man said "I can't do much, but I can do this" and has been whittling and impacting boys for years.  Elder Roberts challenged us to listen to the spirit to know why he told that story.  I loved it.  I so want to serve and help in the Kingdom, and I know being a mom is so important, but I really feel like I don't do much more sometimes.  So this story really touched me because if there is some little thing I can do that will help I want to do it.  So as I was praying and reading after conference I was thinking about this and I felt prompted that the little thing I can do is to pray for others.  I can look for needs and keep others in my prayers.  I can totally do that!  And I know that will have an impact on others' lives. So I'm excited to look for opportunities and needs and listen for promptings for who can use my prayers.

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