Sunday, November 20, 2011

October 20, 2011

I've been potty training Seth this week and it went pretty well.  He's wearing underwear most of the time and has accidents about once a day; not the best record, but pretty good.  But so far none of those accidents have been on the carpet or the couch.  I've only used little bribes like fruit snacks or chocolate chips.  But this week we're going to try bigger bribes at the toy store to see if we can get him a little more committed.

Now that my big website deadline has past I'm working on my house more again.  I'm finishing the playroom wall and Bob and I are working on refinishing the coffee table and buffet for the front room.  I'd like that room to look a little more finished for when my family comes for Christmas. 

Ruby and Danny are sick today so we're home from church again.  We're really praying that it'll pass by Tuesday when we plan to go to Visalia for Thanksgiving. 

I've been reading the conference Ensign lately.  Two of my favorite talks are "A Time to Prepare" by Ian S. Ardern and "The Power of Scripture" by Richard G. Scott. I feel like I just don't ever have enough time to do everything I need and want to.  I'm always behind on sleep and have headaches because of it.  So the talk by Ardern was so good because he listed what our priorities should be: The Lord, family, work, wholesome recreational activities.  That was a good reminder.  And I liked when he said "I invite us to identify the time-wasting distractions in our lives that may need to be figuratively ground into dust."  And since time is so tight for me right now I find myself neglecting my scripture study as I try to get more things done, even though I know that's not how my priorities should be.  So Scott's talk about his love of the scriptures was wonderful.

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