Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 19, 2011

We just got back from a super quick trip to Utah. We left Friday morning and came back Saturday night. I had a meeting with United Way on Friday to train them on their new website and then Bob and I went to a party at Jeff and Shima's house that night.  Saturday we went to BYU and went bowling and ate at the food court.  Then we went to a BYU basketball game with Casey and Kami. And then I went and met Wendy for ice cream.  Then we left for home.  The drives were pretty miserable, but we don't have any more trips with the kids planned for a while. 

School is out and we can hang out together and do lots of Christmas things with the kids! We are going to finish making our Christmas treats tomorrow and then deliver them.  This year we're doing 3 kinds of fudge and 2 truffles. I tried two batches of toffee and they were both horrible.  I don't know what I did. I used to be able to make it just fine.  So I've sworn off toffee.  It's probably good though because I love it and I eat it too much.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11, 2011

Soccer is over and basketball has started.  We had another sports filled day yesterday.  The boys both had a great soccer season.  And Danny's first basketball game yesterday was great.  He scored 2 baskets.  It was pretty fun to watch. 

I think I'm pretty much done with all my christmas shopping.  I'm so glad because it is a lot of work to figure out what everyone wants and then try to spend about the same and in budget on everyone and make sure everyone gets about the same number of things under the tree.  I went pretty over budget this year.  I started out over budget because I decided I was going to use some of the extra website money I made last month to get Bob an Ipad. I'm so excited about it.  He would never ask for something like that and he won't really like that I spent that much on it, but he'll love it.  And I hope that the kids get things they'll love and will feel fairly equal. 

This year the kids drew names for who they would get presents for again.  But this year we decided they'd make presents for each other instead of buying them. So I took the kids all out of school one afternoon each to buy materials and make their gifts.  It's been awesome.  The kids are so excited and they're all making great things.

We got some names from an eagle scout project angeltree and had the kids pick out gifts for those kids.  And Bob's work is sponsoring several homeless teenagers. So we're going to target tomorrow and having the kids each buy at least one thing with their own money for the teenagers.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 4, 2011

Our Thanksgiving was perfect. We left Tuesday after school.  I realized I don't like driving with the kids in the dark and it was dark for most of our drive.  I have to do so much entertaining when the kids can't see anything. Wednesday my mom and I went shopping and she bought me several things for my birthday. Then that night Kristal, mom and I went to see the new twilight movie.  Bob was so nice to babysit so much that day.  Thursday we had a great meal and went to a new park after we ate.  The weather was perfect all weekend.  A little foggy in the morning, but it warmed up every afternoon. Friday I took Danny and Bob shoe shopping because they both needed some. We played games and had fun.  We left Sunday after sacrament meeting.

Danny has started basketball.  He's in the NJB league. He's on a team with CJ and Ethan Whittle.  It's so great to be able to carpool.  And we found a basketball hoop on craigslist so Danny is all into basketball. Even though there is still one more soccer game.  Both Aaron and Danny have had great soccer seasons.  Then we'll sign Aaron up for Basketball through North Las Vegas and that will start in January.