Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26, 2012

Things were crazy again this week.  I just have to find a way to slow things down.  I keep feeling like I'll have more time after I finish this one thing.  But it never happens.  I don't get to play with Seth and Ruby nearly enough and I'm going to miss them being small if I don't make time for it.  So I decided I'm going to drop all tv watching.  And I'm going to clean the house at night with Bob.  Bob is going to take over the pool responsibilities. I'm going to make sure I read my scriptures everyday after I put Ruby down. I'm not going to sit down at the computer except for when I'm doing websites (which I'm going to try to do 1-2 hours a day because our budget has been going crazy lately) or for 30 minutes outside of that to read blogs/email/pinterest. And I probably won't spend much social time with friends since Jamie just moved and Kata had her baby last week. I'm still going to sew our Easter clothes, but I'm not going to start any of the other sewing projects I was thinking of. I think I've found some good ways to carve out some time.  I'm excited to keep my focus on the most important things and get to enjoy them more.

Ruby had her well check and she has lost some weight because she isn't drinking milk, so I'm supposed to feed her five meals a day.  She seems do be doing well with it and is eating much more.  Seth had his checkup and his pediatrician put him on claritin and singulair and nose spray to see if that can clear up his ear fluid problem before surgery.  It would sure be nice if it works.

I'm really enjoying teaching Sunday School to the 12 year olds.  The lessons are basic plan of Salvation lessons and the kid ask great questions and participate.  We have good gospel discussions.

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