Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013

Danny is so into his clothes.  We found these addidas high tops that he had to have.  They were regularly $100 but he found them on sale for $70 and really wanted them even if he had to pay for them. The I found some similar ones when I was shopping for $45. I thought we could substitute those, but he wants them too.  It's so cute how he cares so much what he looks like.

I think I'm going to find another counselor to go to with Aaron.  He's great at school and church, but at home he's still going crazy.  I don't want to be miserable this summer and I don't want him to ruin his relationships with his siblings. And I'm so burnt out on his tantrums that I don't have enough patience with him.  Hopefully we can find someone who can help us.

Ruby is "feisty". That's what the nursery leaders tell us every week.  Sadly, it's not a good feisty.  She's my first one to have to have the no hitting talk before nursery every week.  Seth never used to hit or be mean, but he's learned to fight more now that Ruby fights with him. She's so cute and tiny, but when she is treated unfairly or sees someone else treated unfairly, she hits or pushes to try to fix things.  Hopefully she'll grow out of it before she is labeled a bully.  And at least she's small so she's not as strong.

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