Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30, 2013

letter to Dustin:

So what’s up? We’re just counting down until summer break.  The kids have 3 ½ days left.  And this Saturday is their last games.  Danny is playing basketball, Rachel volleyball and Aaron soccer.  They’ve had fun, but it’ll be nice not to have to go to practices and games all the time.  Seth turns 5 in January.  That’s usually when we start the kids in soccer.  And I want to start Ruby in Dance lessons about the same time.  Then we’ll really be crazy busy.  Did you do soccer like Ryan and Casey? I can’t remember what sports you did.

We’re putting a basketball hoop in the front corner of our yard.  We’ve been planning on it for a long time, but Bob keeps thinking he’ll level out the ground for it.  But he never does.  So he finally decided to just pay the guy who is going to pave it to also get it all ready first.  I was so excited it was finally going to happen, but it turns out the guy is going on vacation for most of June.  So we’re still waiting.  That guy is sure going to be hot working in our backyard in July!

Are you still working for dad and trading?  We’re coming next Thursday. I think we’re going to 3 rivers one of the days that weekend while Bob is still here. You can come if you want.  Bob’s just staying until Sunday but the rest of us are staying until Friday.

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