Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014

Seth's back really started hurting yesterday. He started running and then started screaming in pain. I figured it was a result of his fall.  That was weighing on my mind at night when I was reading my scriptures. I'm using the seminary home study guide. It asked the question what are some things you put your trust in The Lord?  I didn't have a good answer for that because I feel like I trust in the big stuff but lots of the smaller things I try to take care of myself. So I put to on my to do list for the next days scripture time to ponder more things I should trust to Him. Then as I said my prayer the first thing that came to my mind was the blessing Bob gave Seth after he fell. It said Seth would be fine and recover from all injuries from his fall. I knew that I need to trust The Lord in that blessing. I know he will be fine and need to have faith while he heals. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26, 2014

We had the most wonderful miracle in our family this week.  Monday was MLK day so we decided to go to Valley of Fire with the Deans.  We pulled in to a campsite and Kata and I stayed there with the little girls and Bob and Collin went to keep an eye on the kids while they climbed.  They climbed for a while and then Danny came back and said "Did you know Seth just fell really far?"  And then I saw Bob carrying Seth back looking a little limp.  Seth had been up on a high, fairly wide ledge with Maeli.  Bob was watching him and couldn't tell he was in much danger, but there was a lot of loose gravelly rocks near the edge that Seth stepped on and slipped.  Bob and Collin watched him fall head first about 8 feet onto the rocks below. Somehow right before he landed he turned enough so he landed on his side.  He was really in shock when he came back, but the only injury he complained of was scratches on his arm, chest and thumb.  He wanted bandaids for everything.  So we got him all bandaid-ed and had him sit in the car for a while, but by the end of the night he was running around and happy.  There was nothing wrong with him.  Bob slept with him that night, but he was fine.  When we first checked him out it looked like he had a pretty good bruise on his hip that I thought would hurt for a while, but it didn't.  Bob gave him a blessing when we got home and it said he would be completely healed.  We can't even believe how blessed we were that day.  I'm so thankful for Seth and my Heavenly Father who blessed us so that a little accident didn't have to be catastrophic for our family.

We also recently found out that Collin Dean lost his job.  They're looking like crazy for a new one, but there's a good chance they will move.  I'm really praying that doesn't happen.  That would change so many things for us.  We'd all loose our best friends.  We're all such better people because of the Deans.  We love them so much.  I know things will work out as they should, but I really hope we get to keep the Deans.

I'm going to get appointments with Seth's doctor and maybe the elementary school to ask some questions about learning disabilities.  We've always known that Seth moves at his own speed and when he wants to, but I'm wondering if there is more to that.  It's taken the last 6 months for him to learn to consistently count to 10.  He had a hard time keeping 789 in order.  And getting him to memorize his name and address and now sight words is extremely hard.  It's frustrating for him and me.  It seems like he know how to retain some kinds of information.  He constantly says her instead of she.  I've corrected him countless times, but he never changes.  I don't know if he actually has any kind of disability or he just learns in different ways.  Hopefully I can find some different strategies for helping him learn.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21,2013

I take stess too physically.  I breathe shallow and tense my body even though I don't usually feel like I'm that stressed. So I need to work on that to help my headaches. 


Stop and relax all muscles at 10 12 2 and 4. Set alarm on phone. 
Practice deep breathing every time I'm in the car or sit at computer.
Visualize and think about perspective a couple times a day. 
Sleep 8.5 hours a night

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12, 2013

Christmas was great.  The kids loved all their gifts.  We had a lovely day with just our family.  We did Christmas Eve at the Pettingill's Christmas party and then back to our house with the Deans to act out the Nativity.  Then the day after Christmas, Bob worked a half day and then we drove to Visalia.  Everyone was there. We had a great time there with everyone too.  We went to the beach and rented atvs, and went to the park a lot and went shopping a little.We stayed until New Year's day. We celebrated Kwanzaa again this Christmas break.  Then, since there weren't any good movies out, the kids chose to go to the buffet as their reward and we invited the Deans to go with us.

Danny's middle school basketball team is done.  He had a lot of fun on it, but I'm glad it's over and he can only have one basketball team. Although, soccer tryouts are next week.  But maybe he just won't make it.

Bob and I are going to see the Therapist again mostly about Aaron.  She was really helpful last time I went. She gave me some good consequences and rules to use that have really worked well.  Aaron is doing so much better, but he still has some really hard things like a low self-esteem, quits when he doesn't think he can succeed. I just don't want to fail him, so we're going to see if she has some good ideas for him.

This weekend I went to Arizona again with Amanda and Wendy.  It was fabulous.  We shopped and ate, went to a movie, saw a play, went for walks and sat in the hot tub.  We had a really good time being together.  I love those girls.

We got a new YW presidency.  I got to stay 2nd counselor because of my relationship with a couple inactive beehives.  I'm so glad I get to stay.  I absolutely love my calling and the beehives.

Now I need to really jump back into things and get back into regular life.  I have a lot to catch up with and get some routines going again that I got behind with over the holidays.

I set a few new years resolutions.

Planned out fhe on Sunday nights
Piano-have at least 3 hymns ready to play
game plan for hastening the work
sleep better/more
set up a learning circle in our ward
Pray for kids one a day