Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014

Seth's back really started hurting yesterday. He started running and then started screaming in pain. I figured it was a result of his fall.  That was weighing on my mind at night when I was reading my scriptures. I'm using the seminary home study guide. It asked the question what are some things you put your trust in The Lord?  I didn't have a good answer for that because I feel like I trust in the big stuff but lots of the smaller things I try to take care of myself. So I put to on my to do list for the next days scripture time to ponder more things I should trust to Him. Then as I said my prayer the first thing that came to my mind was the blessing Bob gave Seth after he fell. It said Seth would be fine and recover from all injuries from his fall. I knew that I need to trust The Lord in that blessing. I know he will be fine and need to have faith while he heals. 

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