Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 30, 2014

We had a great trip to Disneyland and the Beach a couple weeks ago.  We left Thursday night.  We met my mom at a hotel near disneyland.  We got 2 rooms that were down the hall from each other.  At one point we lost Ruby.  We were sleeping with the boys in one room and the girls in the other.  I had left our room to take toothbrushes to the boys.  Ruby had stayed in the girls room with my mom.  We didn't know she could open the door and my mom didn't notice when she went out looking for me, but by then I was already in the boys room so I couldn't hear her and her door shut and locked so she was stuck in the hallway.  Someone found her crying in the hall and took her down to the front desk.  Just as I had come back to our room and was asking my mom where Ruby was, the front desk called and said they had Ruby.  We were so thankful.

We got up early and went to California Adventures on Friday.  We had a great day.  It wasn't too crowded and the weather was great.  It was nice to have my mom there to take Ruby to the small rides when she couldn't go on the bigger rides.  She was one inch under the 40 inch requirement for a lot of rides.  Everyone had such a great time.  Seth and Ruby loved it and neither of them even needed a nap.  We stayed until 9 at night and then drove to Ryan's house.

We got up the next morning and went to the beach.  Everyone had fun playing.  The three oldest took the boogie boards out.  The boys did it for a little while, but Rachel stayed out for an hour or 2.  She loved it and didn't even notice how freezing it was.  Ryan and Danny caught a large fish.  But when they got it home to clean it they realized it was a pregnant fish when the babies started falling out of it.  She had 38 babies inside.  It was pretty entertaining.  Sunday we went to church and had lunch and drove home.

This week Bob took Seth and Ruby to Virginia to visit his Grandparents.  They left Tuesday morning and they get back tonight, Sunday.  It's been nice to have 7 hours while the kids are in school to do whatever I want.  I went to the temple and shopping and the gym.  It was nice to be able to pick up and go and not have to plan it all out and have it take longer.  We've facetimed with them everyday.  But I'm so glad they are coming home tonight.  I really miss those people.  It helped me decide I'm not ready to put Ruby in preschool in the fall.  I signed her up for 3 year old preschool because I thought she would love it, but I want her home with me one more year. We'll just have to plan fun things for us at home.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014

We had the Jovaag family over for dinner on Sunday and it went so well.  They are a part member family with 3 young women. I really like them. I hope to get them coming.  They all want to come to girls camp, even the mom.

My hip is doing well.  I went to physical therapy last monday.  He put it back in place but it still hurt most of the week.  I thought it must have rotated back so I went again this monday.  It hadn't rotated so he thought the rotation must have caused some disc irritation.  He showed me some more exercises. And he told me how to get in faster next time this happens.  And he said that this should get better, not worse, as I get older. I was happy about that.

Ruby has a stomach flu.  She threw up 19 times yesterday.  We're really hoping she gets better fast because we're leaving for disneyland in a few days.

The kids are all done with their sports.  The boys both did great on their teams and got asked to be on the allstar teams.  Rachel had fun on volleyball.  We have a couple weeks off now before the next ones start.  But Danny's school soccer team is still going right now.  But at least we'll only have one game on saturdays for a few weeks.  And then his will get done early so hopefully we won't have too many saturdays with 4 games.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014

Rachel is at AstroCamp.  She's been so excited to get to go.  She has several good friends who are going. She packed herself up a few days before she had to go.  Unfortunately there was a snow storm there this weekend.  It's such bad timing.  They have lots of fun ropes course stuff and zip lines and it was freezing for that.  I talked to her for a couple minutes yesterday.  It was right after they had done bottle rockets in the snow and she was so cold.  She comes home tonight.  We're all so excited to see her.

Ruby started a dance class at the Rec Center.   She looked so cute in her ballet shoes and dress.  She was nervous about it.  She was excited, but she kept asking me, "how do you dance? What do we do at dancing class?".  She used to love gymnastics until she moved up to the 3 year old class and I couldn't do it with her anymore.  She had a hard time listening and got frustrated and scared because she couldn't do what everyone else was doing, not because she couldn't physically do it, but mostly because she didn't listen or wouldn't try.  So I found this mommy and me dance class that goes up to 3 years old.  So she has one more year to do it with me.  She liked it better, but still didn't want to try a lot of things.  Her friend Lizzy is in the class too.  I hope she'll come around and start liking it better.  It makes me worried that she has a little bit of feelings like Aaron does.  That they are both the younger one of their siblings (Danny rachel and Aaron, Seth and Ruby) and they expect to be able to do things as well as their older siblings and if they can't they get mad or don't want to try.

I started a Power of Moms Learning Circle group this week.  I've been working on it for a month.  I think it would be a great thing to have to invite nonmemebers or inactives.  And it would be a great thing for me as a mom too.  I thought and thought about what ladies to invite and then I called them all and sent emails and then when it came to it everyone cancelled but 3 ladies.  I wish I would have known it would have been that hard to get people there. I would have just started it out that way and then tried to invite people after it was going.  But it turned out to be a good thing for those who came and I think we'll try it one more time and see if gets a better turnout.  Hopefully it'll work.  But maybe its just another good thing and we all already have a lot of good things.