Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014

We had the Jovaag family over for dinner on Sunday and it went so well.  They are a part member family with 3 young women. I really like them. I hope to get them coming.  They all want to come to girls camp, even the mom.

My hip is doing well.  I went to physical therapy last monday.  He put it back in place but it still hurt most of the week.  I thought it must have rotated back so I went again this monday.  It hadn't rotated so he thought the rotation must have caused some disc irritation.  He showed me some more exercises. And he told me how to get in faster next time this happens.  And he said that this should get better, not worse, as I get older. I was happy about that.

Ruby has a stomach flu.  She threw up 19 times yesterday.  We're really hoping she gets better fast because we're leaving for disneyland in a few days.

The kids are all done with their sports.  The boys both did great on their teams and got asked to be on the allstar teams.  Rachel had fun on volleyball.  We have a couple weeks off now before the next ones start.  But Danny's school soccer team is still going right now.  But at least we'll only have one game on saturdays for a few weeks.  And then his will get done early so hopefully we won't have too many saturdays with 4 games.

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