Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014

Rachel is at AstroCamp.  She's been so excited to get to go.  She has several good friends who are going. She packed herself up a few days before she had to go.  Unfortunately there was a snow storm there this weekend.  It's such bad timing.  They have lots of fun ropes course stuff and zip lines and it was freezing for that.  I talked to her for a couple minutes yesterday.  It was right after they had done bottle rockets in the snow and she was so cold.  She comes home tonight.  We're all so excited to see her.

Ruby started a dance class at the Rec Center.   She looked so cute in her ballet shoes and dress.  She was nervous about it.  She was excited, but she kept asking me, "how do you dance? What do we do at dancing class?".  She used to love gymnastics until she moved up to the 3 year old class and I couldn't do it with her anymore.  She had a hard time listening and got frustrated and scared because she couldn't do what everyone else was doing, not because she couldn't physically do it, but mostly because she didn't listen or wouldn't try.  So I found this mommy and me dance class that goes up to 3 years old.  So she has one more year to do it with me.  She liked it better, but still didn't want to try a lot of things.  Her friend Lizzy is in the class too.  I hope she'll come around and start liking it better.  It makes me worried that she has a little bit of feelings like Aaron does.  That they are both the younger one of their siblings (Danny rachel and Aaron, Seth and Ruby) and they expect to be able to do things as well as their older siblings and if they can't they get mad or don't want to try.

I started a Power of Moms Learning Circle group this week.  I've been working on it for a month.  I think it would be a great thing to have to invite nonmemebers or inactives.  And it would be a great thing for me as a mom too.  I thought and thought about what ladies to invite and then I called them all and sent emails and then when it came to it everyone cancelled but 3 ladies.  I wish I would have known it would have been that hard to get people there. I would have just started it out that way and then tried to invite people after it was going.  But it turned out to be a good thing for those who came and I think we'll try it one more time and see if gets a better turnout.  Hopefully it'll work.  But maybe its just another good thing and we all already have a lot of good things.

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