Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 22, 2015

Seth is sick AGAIN.  This is his 5th cold since Christmas. I guess his body is having a hard time getting adjusted to public school.

Things are just going on like usual.  Basketball season is almost over and we're trying to figure out what the 2 younger boys are going to do for the next season.

I got tear duct plugs in my upper ducts.  I've had them in my lower ducts for years.  At that time the doctor thought I'd get lots of eye infections if I got the upper ones plugged too.  But I go to a new dry eye specialist and he said that isn't much of an issue in Las Vegas.  I got 2 week plugs and loved them.  They dissolved and I got permanent ones put in on Friday.  I have so much tears! My eyes never feel like this.  I can wear my contacts as long as I want.  But there are a little too much tears.  Sometimes if I bend over the tears just fall out.  I'm going to wait and see if my eyes will adjust and if not the doctor said there are 3 month dissolving plugs that are not quite as tight of seal as the permanent ones so I might try that.

Valentines day was nice.  I gave Bob pictures of places we'll go on our trip every day with things I love about him on the back. And on Valentines day we did things we did when we were dating like ate at cafe rio and watched mission impossible 2 like we did on our first date.

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