Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 21, 2017

I'm having more breakthroughs with my breathing and sleeping lately.  It was staying about the same since the last time I wrote.  I thought I was doing everything I could.  I was still going to Dr. Kruger every other week.  I went to Valerie again and she didn't really know why.  She suggested essential oils. So I tried that.  But nothing has really had any effect that I could see.  I have felt more acutely how the Lord has been with me in this trial.  There have been so many nights where I used to get up and just focus on how bad I felt that I didn't notice the Spirit there.  But now I've been able to feel the Lord sitting with me and comforting me. It obviously isn't best for Him to take this trial away, but I can really feel him with me even when I feel bad or sad and that's ok.  I felt like I should try a cleanse so I found Dr. Christopher's juice cleanse and Bob and I did that.  I felt like the biggest improvement was my mental clarity. So I pondered that and felt like maybe I was led to that to strengthen my testimony of fasting.  I mostly try to get through fasting.  But I think that kind of mental clarity is probably available to me in my monthly fasting if I will do it correctly and with the intent that I should.  So I fasted and went to the temple this week. Also a few days before that I started my reading and felt directed to Elder Nelson's talk about Accessing the power of Christ.  It felt like it was just for me. I felt like I'd been working on a lot of the steps already but the last one was asking like a drowning person and I definitely was feeling like a drowning person.  I went to the temple and didn't feel like a I had a ton of direction.  I think I'm going to go see Valerie and see if she has any more information for me.  And maybe I'll look for more information about the diaphragm.  But the thing I didn't expect was how things would just start being better on their own.  Just by bringing more of the Power of Christ into my life.  I've slept much better the last 3 nights.  My breathing is still tight, but I can get many more good breaths here and there than I used to. Also the joy I feel at being closer to the Savior is wonderful.

We went to Visalia for half of Spring break.  We had a great time with my Mom.  We went bowling and to the park.  Kristal and Ryan came for Easter weekend.  We all went to the zoo.

My mom and Kristal came to Las Vegas to do a girls weekend.  We ended up doing a lot of maternity shopping for Kristal.  And we ate at some good places.  We just stayed here to save money. We watched movies at night.  It was nice.

School is almost done.  I'm so excited not to have a schedule.  The kids sports just finished.

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