Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30

This week was great! The kids loved their classes and teachers. Rachel had no problems going to her class. I waited with them until they walked into class on the first day, but she didn't care. She played on the playground until the bell rang and then almost forgot to even wave at me as her class walked in. Danny did great also. He seems very confident at school and liked sharing his knowledge about how things work at school with Rachel.

Aaron also had a wonderful week. I think Danny and Rachel going back to school will be great for Aaron. He had so few tantrums. And he got very interested in riding his bike with training wheels. We went outside to ride several times every day. He starts preschool this Tuesday. I hope he has fun there.

We left Seth with a babysitter for the first time to go on a date. He did pretty well, but didn't go to bed for her. All the kids were still awake when we got home. I'm sad Seth is getting older so fast, but some things like being able to go on dates without a baby will be nice to do again.

My back is doing really well right now. It doesn't hurt. I did pilates and swimming this weekend and they both were great for not hurting my back. My blessing said I'd find patterns of what would work for me. I went to yoga this week. I thought that would be one thing that would be good for me to stick with because being more flexible seems to really help me. But it usually makes me sore. I'm thinking its all the bending. Bending sets it off lots of times. So this week I'm got to do some more swimming and maybe I'll try spinning and see if that can be in my "pattern" of things that work for my back. I'm really starting to like swimming, though, so that's good because I always hated it before.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23

This week was long. I think there was one week too many on this summer vacation. There was much fighting and whining going on here. I'm excited for school to start tomorrow. And the kids are too. They all went to their orientations last week and met their teachers and saw their classrooms. Rachel seems the most apprehensive so far, but she did awesome last year when she started kindergarten and her best friend, Jaclyn, is in her class, so hopefully she'll get there and feel fine tomorrow. The kids all got blessings tonight. I think that helped ease their worries and mine. I'll miss them, but it'll be nice for them to be happily engaged in school again.

This weekend we went camping to celebrate the end of summer. We went to Cathedral Gorge in the middle of Nevada. It was still a little too hot for camping there, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves, but it wasn't too bad because there was a natural spring there with a pool and playground, so we hung out there in the heat of the day. We grilled hot dogs for dinner and made smores at night. They all slept pretty well, despite being sweaty for the first hour or so until it cooled off. Then the next day we did lots of exploring and climbing. And we ended the trip with a slurpee.

My back is doing quite well this week. The blessing really helped. And I've been stretching a lot. And I was able to go swimming and to yoga without any problems.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 16 blessing

  • I will be able to learn routines and patterns that will work for my body
  • Don't push my body too hard
  • Be consistent
  • These will lead to continued healing
  • I will be blessed with inspiration that will help me where I would otherwise struggle if I rely on my own mind
  • I will be protected and in turn will protect my kids
  • Blessed me in my church callings and as a mother
  • I will be able to say the things I need to to the kids to help develop their spirits
  • I'll be able to get the rest I need

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Blessings 6/21/08

This was right after I got pregnant and my back started getting bad again and I was worried that my whole pregnancy would be really painful.

Blessing of healing
  • I will be healed in the Lord's time
  • I will be able to take care of my motherly duties
  • I will have/make time to get closer to him
Blessing of comfort
  • The Lord is proud of me and my desire to add to my family
  • I will have a balanced life and be able to get the rest I need to have time to get closer to Him
  • I will be healed and receive the full faculties/abilities I previously enjoyed
  • I will have the support of those around me--including my children who will help when they see the need and healthcare professionals
  • He is only a prayer away
  • I will get closer to him through prayer and scriptures and that will help me during the times when things feel too hard.

Blessing 2/24/08

  • comfort
  • I will be able to live a more pain-free life
  • The Lord is beside me
  • His heart goes out to me and likes to hear from me
  • I will be able to learn the things I need to from these trials
  • I will be able to take care of my daily duties and make/find time to exercise and train my body in the way I'd like to
  • I will be able to find the medical care I need
Over the next couple of months my back really started to heal. In April I had the block in my back to try to numb the nerve. And by the end of April I was feeling enough improvement that we decided to start trying for a baby.

Blessing 1/22/08

  • Begin to heal
  • see the light at end of the tunnel
  • Look past the pain
  • Directed to healthcare professionals
  • They will offer inspired suggestions
  • The Savior will carry my burdens when I need him to
  • I will be able to fulfil my motherly duties and find joy in it

August 16

This week went so fast. It seems like two days ago I was writing about my week.

Physical therapy was enlightening, but not helpful this week. I have been having a little more nerve pain. It started about 3 or 4 weeks ago, when we were in Visalia. I had 2 days where I had pretty bad sciatic pain in both legs. I haven't really had much of that--it was new for me. I can't think of what I did that would have set it off, but one time Bob was trying to make Seth stand up and dropped him, so I kind of twisted funny trying to grab him. But now I've been having a little pain and tightness down into my hamstring and calf and that alternates with hip pain. Throughout the day it'll cycle through hip pain, hamstring/calf pain, or no pain at all.

My physical therapists said SI joint pain never goes into the calf and my hip isn't rotating right now anyway. What I have is probably where my torn disc is pinching my nerve. Bummer. I was so close to healing. I had about two months of no pain and was able to do most of what I want to (I never tried running). It was so great. But that was short-lived. So now there isn't much to do for it. I'm hoping it was kind of a fluke and will go away, but my doctor thought it's probably something I have to live with. He said I can have a block done again where they numb the nerve with big needles and that may help. We'll see. Bob's going to give me a blessing today. I was still able to go to yoga and spinning this week and those didn't seem to effect it, it hurt the same after as it did before. And so far, it's not nearly as bad of pain as it was before.

We went bowling and swimming this week. We had fun at both. We went swimming at the Hoeffgens again. And while we were there Seth pooped in the pool. Out of four kids, he's the first one to have done that. His diaper leaked a little so I was frantically scooping it out and then I had to go clean him up. I guess I was spoiled that it never happened before.

Seth had his 6 month appt. this week. He's 20 lbs already. He's quite a chunk to carry around, but so adorable! He's pretty much exactly the same size as Danny was, but 4 lbs heavier than Aaron at the same age.

Rachel had her birthday on Friday. She had 5 girlfriends over and they made necklaces and did their nails, had cake and presents and a pinata, and played musical chairs. It was a fun little party. We went to circle K and got icees and had norwegian pancakes for dinner, as she requested and had a family movie night and watched Mary Poppins. She seemed happy with the day.

Aaron is doing great with keeping his thumb out. He doesn't even try anymore. But his tantrums have definitely increased. They're getting better, but still not fun. I hope it'll all even out soon and he'll be able to cope with stress in new ways in stead of sucking his thumb or throwing a tantrum.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 9

My hip was hurting more this week so I made an appointment for physical therapy. It didn't really help at all. My hamstring is still really tight. I think I'll have to go again this week. That's a bummer because it costs $75 each time because our insurance doesn't cover it.

Seth got sick this week. It's a pretty bad cold. So we've been up most of the night the last two nights because he can't breathe very well. And he's so sad in the day with his runny nose and puffy eyes. I hope it gets better soon.

The cold started with Aaron, then I got it, then Seth. I realized that Aaron got sick right after he started sucking his thumb again. And before vacation, he got sick when he was sucking his thumb. I was going to just let him suck it and wait a few months until I could figure out my next move because we've failed twice now at keeping it out. But once I realized that Seth and I were sick because Aaron sucks his thumb, that was the last straw! I want to be done with the thumb. So I went to the internet again and found some bitter nail polish stuff that tastes horrible and they can't just lick off easily. We started it on Friday and so far it's been great. On it's website it said to use if for a month straight because a couple of weeks isn't long enough to fully break the habit. So we'll see how it goes. I'm hopeful it'll work.

We had the Deans over for a barbeque last night. We had a great time. The kids played together really well and it was fun for Bob and I to hang out with them.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2

This weekend was girls weekend. Mom and Kristal flew in for the weekend. Mom got here Thurs night and then Saturday Kristal got in at 8 am. We picked her up and looked around some Hotels until shopping opened. Then we shopped from about 10:30 to 3. We went to lunch at Maggianos. Then Bob brought the kids down and we all went swimming. Seth did great taking a bottle while I was gone. After the kids left we went to see Blue Man Group. Then in the morning we slept in a little and then came home for the 11:00 sacrament meeting. They fly out tonight. It's been a nice weekend. I'm so glad they were able to come visit.

Bob did great with the kids. He was so nice not to complain about the kids tantrums and being up in the night with Seth. He's such a great dad. He even got them all ready and took them to church this morning. And they all looked very presentable.

Also this week we found a pool in the ward that the kids love and the owner, the Hoeffgens, said we can come over whenever we want. So we swam there a couple of times. We also went to a YMCA pool with the Deans. I really like Kata. She reminds me a lot of Amanda.