Sunday, August 16, 2009

Blessings 6/21/08

This was right after I got pregnant and my back started getting bad again and I was worried that my whole pregnancy would be really painful.

Blessing of healing
  • I will be healed in the Lord's time
  • I will be able to take care of my motherly duties
  • I will have/make time to get closer to him
Blessing of comfort
  • The Lord is proud of me and my desire to add to my family
  • I will have a balanced life and be able to get the rest I need to have time to get closer to Him
  • I will be healed and receive the full faculties/abilities I previously enjoyed
  • I will have the support of those around me--including my children who will help when they see the need and healthcare professionals
  • He is only a prayer away
  • I will get closer to him through prayer and scriptures and that will help me during the times when things feel too hard.

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