Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27

We had a great Christmas. We left Visalia for Disneyland on Tuesday. We stayed at a hotel in Anaheim that night and got up early Wednesday for Disneyland. It was a little cold, but not too bad with jackets. We all had a great time. It was fun to see everything decorated for Christmas. My favorite was It's a Small world because it's decorated so well. The kids loved it. Seth loved watching everything. He did great and took two naps during the day just fine. We only stayed until about 6:00, though, because it got so crowded after about 4:00. The kids didn't like the lines if they were more than 20 minutes; that was their limit. We left my mom there with my dad who came down with Dustin and they had Christmas with Kristal. We drove home and got home around midnight.

We had our own Christmas with just us. That's only the second time we've ever done that. We frosted cookies and acted out the nativity and the kids opened one present.

Danny came in at 5:50 Christmas morning, but we held them off until 6:20. We opened presents for about a half hour and then we woke up Seth so he could see his presents. And we've spent the last couple of days playing with all the gifts. The kids all got scooters and skateboards so we've been in the front yard in the middle of the day when it's warmest. They got a few new Wii games and board games and toys. We also got snow sleds and snow gear to start going to the snow. Hopefully the kids will last more than 20 minutes. I have lots of memories of going to the snow every year, and I don't want my kids to miss out on that. We plan on going to Utah next weekend to use the sleds. And hopefully we'll get to go up to Mt. Charleston with the Deans or at least by ourselves a few times.

My mom and dad and Kristal will come on Tuesday for my birthday and stay until Thursday so we can go shopping. Then Friday morning we'll leave for Utah. We'll sled and hopefully get together with Amanda and Wendy sometime.

Seth woke up Christmas morning with a huge red rash on his face. He's had pretty dry skin on his face since Thanksgiving. But it was really bad on Christmas. We think he might have eczema. We've been putting Aquafor on it several times a day and it's doing better.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20

We're in Visalia right now. It's fun to be on vacation. We went out to lunch yesterday for Dustin's birthday and we went to my mom's ward Christmas party. Tomorrow I'm giving all the kids haircuts and I think mom and I will do a little shopping, maybe Bob and I will go to a movie. Then Tuesday we'll leave for Aneheim. Then Wednesday's the big Disneyland day. The kids are so excited.

I had a great experience last night. I've made it a goal to read and study the scriptures better than I normally do, kind of as a gift for the Savior. (Of course I knew I'd get more blessings for doing it than I would ever give Him). I've been feeling there's something I should be doing or asking for help with as I study, but wasn't sure what. Last night I was tired and hadn't read my scriptures and was ready to get into bed, but I remembered my goal for December and decided to get up and read. I opened to D&C 42:61. And that had a note in the margin to CR with 3 Ne. 18:20. Both about asking and receiving answers.

But I still didn't know what to ask for. My first thought was for help with Aaron, though. So today I studied and looked around in the scriptures. The D&C verse says to "know the mysteries and peaceable things". That kind of lead me to repentance. I read the Bible Dictionary about it.

As I was praying for guidance I realized I need to use repentance more regularly--like every prayer--especially in mothering. That will let me have a "fresh view" of the situation every day and I'll be more available to the promptings I need to help them. I need to repent more for losing patience and my temper and for my selfishness with my time.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13

My wife is hot. Super, burning hot! If she was water, I would be scalded when I touch her body.


She's the best wife, too. She sacrifices so much for me and our family, especially our kids. I'm so thankful to have her for my wife.

I love her

Bobby is so great!

This weekend Bob and I had two dates. Friday night was a ward couples Christmas party. Then Saturday night we went on our annual Christmas date. This time we did sealings at the temple and then went to eat at Buca di Peppo. We had a great time. I'm so thankful for the Savior and the temple and that I have a wonderful husband who shares those loves with me.

The kids are getting so excited for Christmas. I'm all done with Christmas shopping. Last week we made gingerbread houses and trains with the Deans. This week we'll sleep under the Christmas tree. Then Friday we'll leave after school and go to Visalia. We'll stay there until Wednesday when we go to Disneyland. Then we'll come back and have Christmas by ourselves. I'm excited for our plans.

I've gotten into a pretty good rhythm of swimming and spinning and strength training and stretching. I'm feeling pretty good in general and in my back. It's nice to feel healthy and strong.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6

Last week we were in Visalia for Thanksgiving. We all had a great time. We left on Tuesday after school. The girls went shopping on Wednesday. We had a great meal on Thursday. We also celebrated my mom's birthday on Thursday. That night we went to see New Moon at 10:00 because we were going to try Black friday shopping at midnight. We went to one store and went home. It was so crowded. Saturday we went to Cambria for the day. All of my brothers and sisters were there. We came home Sunday night.

This week I spent a lot of time catching up on websites. I got really behind since our computer died and then we were gone last week. I worked about 5 hours a day most days. I don't like that because then I just get behind in other things and my kids don't get enough attention. I still have a few projects that need to be finished, but I shouldn't have to work so much this week.

We made christmas cookies this week and yesterday we went to the Ethel M. Chocolate factory. We've made that a tradition for us. I get a gift certificate from discover card and the kids all help us pick out a box of their fancy chocolates. And we look at the cactus garden that is all lit up with christmas lights.

Seth said his first word today. It was Jesus. All the kids when they're babies have been interested in pictures of Jesus. And Seth really has. I have a picture of Jesus in his room. He's been copying some of our sounds for the last couple of weeks and this morning after I fed him we were looking at the picture and he said "shesus". At first I thought it was a fluke, but he said it again. And then he said it for Danny later. I'm pretty impressed with my amazing baby.