Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20

We're in Visalia right now. It's fun to be on vacation. We went out to lunch yesterday for Dustin's birthday and we went to my mom's ward Christmas party. Tomorrow I'm giving all the kids haircuts and I think mom and I will do a little shopping, maybe Bob and I will go to a movie. Then Tuesday we'll leave for Aneheim. Then Wednesday's the big Disneyland day. The kids are so excited.

I had a great experience last night. I've made it a goal to read and study the scriptures better than I normally do, kind of as a gift for the Savior. (Of course I knew I'd get more blessings for doing it than I would ever give Him). I've been feeling there's something I should be doing or asking for help with as I study, but wasn't sure what. Last night I was tired and hadn't read my scriptures and was ready to get into bed, but I remembered my goal for December and decided to get up and read. I opened to D&C 42:61. And that had a note in the margin to CR with 3 Ne. 18:20. Both about asking and receiving answers.

But I still didn't know what to ask for. My first thought was for help with Aaron, though. So today I studied and looked around in the scriptures. The D&C verse says to "know the mysteries and peaceable things". That kind of lead me to repentance. I read the Bible Dictionary about it.

As I was praying for guidance I realized I need to use repentance more regularly--like every prayer--especially in mothering. That will let me have a "fresh view" of the situation every day and I'll be more available to the promptings I need to help them. I need to repent more for losing patience and my temper and for my selfishness with my time.

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