Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27

We had a great Christmas. We left Visalia for Disneyland on Tuesday. We stayed at a hotel in Anaheim that night and got up early Wednesday for Disneyland. It was a little cold, but not too bad with jackets. We all had a great time. It was fun to see everything decorated for Christmas. My favorite was It's a Small world because it's decorated so well. The kids loved it. Seth loved watching everything. He did great and took two naps during the day just fine. We only stayed until about 6:00, though, because it got so crowded after about 4:00. The kids didn't like the lines if they were more than 20 minutes; that was their limit. We left my mom there with my dad who came down with Dustin and they had Christmas with Kristal. We drove home and got home around midnight.

We had our own Christmas with just us. That's only the second time we've ever done that. We frosted cookies and acted out the nativity and the kids opened one present.

Danny came in at 5:50 Christmas morning, but we held them off until 6:20. We opened presents for about a half hour and then we woke up Seth so he could see his presents. And we've spent the last couple of days playing with all the gifts. The kids all got scooters and skateboards so we've been in the front yard in the middle of the day when it's warmest. They got a few new Wii games and board games and toys. We also got snow sleds and snow gear to start going to the snow. Hopefully the kids will last more than 20 minutes. I have lots of memories of going to the snow every year, and I don't want my kids to miss out on that. We plan on going to Utah next weekend to use the sleds. And hopefully we'll get to go up to Mt. Charleston with the Deans or at least by ourselves a few times.

My mom and dad and Kristal will come on Tuesday for my birthday and stay until Thursday so we can go shopping. Then Friday morning we'll leave for Utah. We'll sled and hopefully get together with Amanda and Wendy sometime.

Seth woke up Christmas morning with a huge red rash on his face. He's had pretty dry skin on his face since Thanksgiving. But it was really bad on Christmas. We think he might have eczema. We've been putting Aquafor on it several times a day and it's doing better.

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