Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16, 2011

Life is crazy! I feel like we're going a mile a minute and never stopping. Most of the time I feel like I can make it, but some days I just get a little too much added to things like a sick kid or more website work and it feels like I can't make it. Then I cry a little and maybe have a small pity party, then I pray and remember the Savior and my Heavenly Father know I can do it. Then I get things under control and get going again. But it never feels easy. I'm hoping that once Ruby is sleeping on a regular schedule, and I can get enough sleep, that five kids won't always be this much work.

Ruby had her 2 month checkup this week. She's in the 75th percentile. She's doing great. She loves it when we talk to her and she coos back at us. Her reflux is getting much better. It doesn't seem to burn her so much and she doesn't make quite as much of a mess, although she still does spit up a lot. I've realized that I think the best part of Ruby's reflux, though, is that she lets me hug her to sleep all the time. I try to keep her vertical whenever I can, so I hold her so her head can rest on my chest and she falls asleep so easily that way and I love it too because she cuddles with me the whole time.

Bob and I were sick last weekend. I was still sick on Monday. That morning I kept trying to get something to eat to see if it would give me more energy, but kids kept needing things. So finally I thought I had Ruby asleep and got some oatmeal, but as soon as I started eating, she started crying. So I just let her cry for a few minutes so I could finish. But then Seth started crying. I thought he was crying about a toy or something. So I finished up and went to find him. He was on his knees crying at my bedroom door. Ruby was in my room crying and for some reason Seth wasn't able to open the door to go in to comfort her (he always tells her "don't cy Uby"--he can't say r's yet). So when I realized what was happening I started crying and we were all a mess! But it was so wonderfully sweet at the same time. These babies of mine are so precious.

We found out this week that our house now won't be ready until the end of March at the earliest. The banks are taking a long time to approve everything. I'm so hoping everything will work out in the end, but the longer things take, the more nervous I get. And I'm feeling more cramped in our house. But week keep praying about it and I'm sure things will work out how they should. It does give us more time to save up money, though, so we can feel more comfortable when we do move.

I have two big website conversions I need to get done before we move, and having more time before having to pack will be helpful. I should also be able to make quite a bit from them so that will be good too. I just have to find the time to do them. Between Seth and Ruby and then the bigger kids needing things now and then, I am so lucky when I find one spare hour a day to do any kind of work. But I really need to figure it out soon. I might have to get Bob to come help me on Fridays or something.

I signed the boys up for baseball yesterday. And tennis signups are this week. So, soon we will be right back in the thick of sports and practices and even busier than we are now! It sure has been nice to not have had any sports for a couple of months.

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