Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23, 2011

I got set apart for my calling several months ago. I got called as a sunday school teacher for the 12-13 year olds when Bob was called to the Bishopric. I haven't taught yet because I've only been to church about three times since then. I'll teach my first lesson next Sunday. But here's the notes from when I was set apart:
  • I'll find ways to communicate with the kids
  • Organize my time to prepare lessons
  • Balance church and motherly duties
  • Have the Spirit in my life to help and guide me
  • My pregnancy will go smoothly (which it did)
I also had a blessing from Bob a couple of weeks ago because I was still bleeding at eight weeks after Ruby and I wanted some comfort and guidance about what to do. I didn't get any notes written right after, but I remember two main things.
  1. That I should follow advice and help from doctors. (I talked to a nurse who said it was just hormonal and would probably be fine in a few days--it was)
  2. I would be blessed and happy through service. I thought that was a wonderful confirmation that my new years resolution for service was something that I needed to be working on.
We are slowly getting healthy here (again). Seth had a really bad ear infection last week. He's still congested, but he's back to his usual disposition. It was so hard having him be so sad and clingy and not be able to take care of him all the time because Ruby still needs me. Bob also got sick and is barely getting better. I really hate sickness. I'm ready for cold weather and germs to be done.

I had lunch dates with all three big kids this week. It was really nice. I plan on getting back to doing that once a month with each kid. Aaron picked Mcdonalds. Rachel picked KFC and Danny did KFC and shoe shopping because he already outgrew his tennis shoes I bought him four months ago. He's a size 5 now.

I went swimming yesterday. I'm so excited to get back in shape and feeling good.

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