Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 16, 2011

The boys all went camping this weekend.  Bob even took Seth.  They went up to Goblin Valley in Utah and met Josh and his boys.  They left Friday morning and came back Saturday night.  So I just had the girls for two days.  It was a great girls weekend.  It was fun to give Ruby some time with just the two of us.  And I got a lot done when she was napping.  And Friday we went and picked up Rachel and took her out to lunch.  After school she had practice for the primary program and then that night we had a Wii dance party.  Saturday we got up and went on a bike ride.  Ruby really liked the trailer and this was the first long bike ride Rachel's ever been on. Then Rachel got to go to Stake Activity Days.  They did an awesome job and Rachel loved it.  Then we went to Bath and Body works and Uswirl.  It was a great weekend.

Ruby is getting to walking really well.  She loves to climb up the stairs, but not down.  Seth is talking pretty well now.  We've tried potty training a few times, but he doesn't seem to get it.  We are going to give it a good try this week but if he doesn't show any improvement after a couple of days we're going to drop it again and give it another month or two.

Rachel and Danny both got into the GATE program at Goynes.  We're all really excited about that.  The school has a really good program.  They get to go to GATE three times a week and they are supposed to get some really good field trips too.  Their teachers are also really good.  They seem to expect a little more than at their other school.  Both of their grades have gone down a little this year because they were working the same as they did at the other school.  I'm glad they'll have to work a little harder now.  Danny also started back at piano.

Aaron is settling into kindergarten really well.  He is becoming a good reader.  And his tantrums are so much better. 

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