Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9

Last weekend we went to Visalia.  Gma Monte and Grandaddy Gene were there and Kristal.  We went on Friday and came back Sunday night.  It was a nice relaxing visit. The kids were all so happy to see everyone.  Seth has been asking every week to go to Grandma's house.  I don't remember any of the other kids wanting that so much. 

The bummer was that Seth got a stomach bug there Saturday night.  Then Rachel threw up all the way home in the van.  Then Bob's grandparents came to visit on Tuesday.  Bob had been so excited to for them to stay with us and drive around and see things.  We cleaned everything in our house several times and they still both got sick.  So they checked in to a hotel and we only saw them a few hours a day. And Bob didn't get to take them anywhere.

Rachel tried out for the school play a few weeks ago.  As soon as they announced they were doing a play she came home so excited and she knew she was going to try out.  That made me nervous.  She's never done anything like that. I worried how she'd feel if she didn't make it.  But she was so excited.  So she tried out and she made it! She was cast as a gnome in a play written by her teacher.  She went to practice for two weeks and loved it.  But then she came home on Friday with a letter from her school that said there were budget cuts and there would be no more drama teacher at our school.  I'm so sad for her.  But I'm proud that she did something hard and tried out and hopefully she'll remember that and try something hard again next time.  But she's still doing tennis and piano and she's loving both of those.

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