Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 23, 2011

Potty training didn't go well this week. Seth's back to having no interest. So we'll wait and try again later. 

Aaron had his birthday party yesterday.  He had 4 friends over and they played in the backyard and on the trampoline and had a paper airplane contest off the balcony.  Bob was awesome at coming up with activities for boys.  It was fun, but I think we are going to switch to having friend birthday parties every other year.  That way it'll be more special and we can put more work into the parties. The last few we've had have just been more like playdates with cake.  And maybe we can do more different fun things to celebrate.

Soccer games started yesterday.  I helped in Aaron's class this week.  And I took Danny out to lunch.

I'm going to the gym at least twice a week to go to the masters swim class and a spin class on tuesday and friday. And on Thursdays I get up and walk with Jamie the swim teacher and Erica from the swim class.  They are both air force families that live near me.  I really like them.  But they are both pregnant right now so we walk slow.  But I like talking with them so I go even though it isn't the best exercise.  I'm working 2-3 hours a day on websites.  It's a lot more than I want to but I'm trying to get the provo site done before November.  I feel like I've had websites hanging over my head forever.  I'm looking forward to going back to maybe one hour a day or less, especially with the holidays coming up. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up so I can do that.

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