Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 3, 2012

I'm home from church today with four "sick" kids.  Seth was the reason I stayed home.  Ruby got a stomach bug from nursery last week.  Then passed it to Seth.  He's doing really well today, but yesterday he was pretty down and Ruby got it from someone bringing their kid to nursery who wasn't quite better so we didn't want to do that to anyone else.  And Ruby might as well stay home if I am.  Then Danny and Rachel had a couple late nights and lots of time in the sun this weekend and I think they were just run down so they wanted to stay home too. They have to take it easy and read 5 Friend articles and their scriptures.  So just Bob and Aaron went to church today.

I had my double root canal this week.  It turned out that both my teeth on either side of my bridge have died from the trauma of putting on the bridge.  That dentist was not good for me.  He cracked a tooth's root and had to pull it and killed two other teeth.  I just hope this solves it and I can have a few years off from teeth problems for a while. 

And my eyes still aren't doing very well.  I can't wear my contacts at all still and get such bad headaches.  I've been on restasis almost a month now and the doctor said it should take 4-6 weeks for it to start taking affect. I really hope my health can get back to normal soon.  I'm fasting about it today.

Danny and Rachel had their awards ceremonies this week at school.  Rachel got A honor roll and Danny got A/B honor roll.  I'm proud that they've worked hard this year.

I did a few sewing projects yesterday. It's going to be nice to have more self-sufficient kids. 

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