Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31

We're mostly getting better. Aaron still has a cough though and I'm still pretty congested, but other than that we both feel fine. I'm really hoping both of us can clear it up before Ruby comes!

Joan Faircloth in our ward offered to adopt our families to help on Sundays. I love her. I visit taught her for a year or so when we were newer in the ward. She's an awesome lady. She has kids my age and grandkids, so we won't be disrupting her family too much. We sat in front of them today and it was so nice to know there was someone there to help. I didn't have to take Seth out today, but when I didn't have enough pens or paper, she was always very quick to offer hers for the kids. She said next week she'd bring toys. She's so great. And several people have offered to hold the baby, which will also be helpful.

Today is Halloween. We had a little bit of a hard time deciding what to do today for celebrating. We had a ward trunk or treat on Thurs, which was going to be enough, until May next door asked us when we'd be bringing our kids by for trick or treating. We could tell they were looking forward to seeing our kids. Then we got invited to dinner and trick or treating with a few families in our ward. So we decided we'll go over for dinner and then we'll come home and trick or treat to Sandy and May, Jack, Joanne and Larry--all the cute older people on our street who would notice if our kids didn't come to their houses. Bob says we can count it like visiting the elderly. Then we'll come home and have brownie sundays and and watch the Halloween specials on tv.

I'm so ready for Ruby to come! On Thursday and my appointment the Dr. said I'm at 3 cm, so at least things are moving. But I'm 37 weeks weeks today and I'm so done being huge and getting up 4 or 5 times in the night for no good reason. The kids and I jumped on the trampoline today. And we walked to the park on friday and I had contractions every 10 minutes for a couple of hours, but they stopped when I went to bed. I'm hoping she's coming in the next day or two. Hopefully she'll cooperate.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 23

We had a sick week. Seth started out last Sunday. He had a high fever and croup and runny nose all week. He was so clingy and grumpy. I'm not used to that from him. He always wanted to be held standing up; he'd get mad if I tried to sit down or lay down with him. I took him in and got medicine for the start of an ear infection, but the Dr said most of the symptoms were just from a virus. Finally on Friday the fever went away and he started doing better. Aaron got sick on Thursday. His wasn't as bad, but he's still coughing quite a bit. And I got it Friday night. We need to get all these germs out of the house before the baby comes.

We had a stake Relief Society retreat this weekend. It was good, and so nice to get out of the house after a week of staying home with sick kids.

I'm going to have to come up with some kind of system for Sundays. I think I'll be ok with getting kids ready for church. We don't go until 11:00, so I just need to use the morning well and mostly just get us all ready and save any other Sunday activities until after church. But I need some motivators for kids to be reverent and helpful at church. I think I'll set up a little meeting with them to figure out what they want to earn with their good behavior.

I got released from Beehives today. I'm going to teach 12-13 yr-old sunday school now. I'm really going to miss young women. I got to go to RS for the first time in a year today. It was great, but also sad to think what I was missing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 17

I guess I never finished last weekend. Bob was put in as second counselor last Sunday. I think it'll be so great for him. He's taken it so seriously and has been working hard to keep the Spirit with him and to be prepared to do what he'll need to. He's always kept his testimony and spiritual things pretty quiet. I remember when we were dating and first married, that was hard for me, but I've gotten used to it mostly. But I'm excited to see more of that come out with this calling.

My parents came last weekend for a super quick trip so my dad could ordain Bob a High Priest; at least that was the original plan. But then last Wednesday the Stake President called us in and asked Bob about this new calling. So my parents got to be here for both. That was so nice to have them here. I love them so much. They got to go to soccer and tennis with us and we celebrated Aaron's birthday a little. And then they were with us on Sunday for all the things that went on. Bob got two wonderful blessings for High Priest and second counselor. At the end of the second counselor blessing I thought it was kind of funny because it said that Bob should be mindful or helpful of me or something because I would sacrifice a lot for this calling, but "that's just the way things are". Which is true, but it just sounded funny to be so matter-of-fact in the blessing. I've already had several offers from people to help me in sacrament meeting. Now I just need to figure out what's going to work best. Today's my first test! We'll see how it goes.

We had Aaron's birthday party on Friday. We had it at a park. He had six little boys come. It was Star Wars themed. He helped me make the lego star wars flags to go in the top of the cupcakes. And he filled all the treat bags. He was so excited. We played on the playground most of the time, but we also did some duck, duck, goose and red light, green light and did presents and cupcakes. It was nice not to have to clean the house or worry about the house being too full of boys, but Bob took most of the responsibility for watching the kids on the playground and he said it was too much work. Aaron got a ton of star wars toys and a few other things like the marble run game and a Cars toy. He's loved playing with all of them.

Linda and Trina came to visit this weekend. They stayed over on the Air Force Base, so that was really easy for me to not have to do bedding or towels, etc. They went to Aaron's party and the boys' soccer games and we watched a movie and had ice cream sundays at night.

We had a halloween party on Wednesday with the Deans and the Meeks (from Kata's ward). It was great. It was at Kata's new house, so there was plenty of room. We tie-dyed t-shirts again and the kids made ghosts and pumpkins and frankensteins out of suckers. And they went swimming. The Deans just moved in about two weeks ago, and all the kids hadn't had a chance to swim in their new pool yet. Our weather is still in the 90s, but the water was a little cold, but the kids hardly noticed. They had a great time. And then all our husbands weren't coming home until after dinner, so we got pizza a stayed until about 6:30. What a fun tradition!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10

This has been an eventful week. Aaron did a ton better this week. By the end of last Sunday something flipped for him and he was great. Then most of the week he talked to me nicely, he hardly tantrumed, when I asked him to help me with things he did it, even his preschool teacher noticed he was having a great week.. It was wonderful. But then Friday the kids had school off and that day was a little harder. Danny has been teasing him a lot lately; we've been working on that too. And then my parents came this weekend and I guess that combined with Friday was enough to really throw him off his good streak; he had a lot of tantrums this weekend. But I'm really hoping tomorrow, with a return to his regular schedule, will bring back the nice Aaron.

The most exciting thing that happened this week was that Bob was called as second counselor in the bishopric.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blessing September 19

Bob gave me a blessing last week. We meant to do it with the kids' blessing on the back-to-school blessing day, but we didn't have time. Here it is:

  • What I do as a mom is appreciated
  • I'll have patience
  • I'll know when to ask and investigate to know what kids are thinking and discover problems I wouldn't have known about
  • I'll be healthy and enjoy exercise
  • Blessed with energy enough to keep up with kids and needs through end of pregnancy
  • I'll be able to appreciate the good moments
  • Be able to look back on these years with fondness
  • Pregnancy will go smoothly

October 3

This is going to be a really downer of a post. It's just been like that the last few days.

I think we're doing the right things with our kids, but it sure doesn't feel that way today. I printed out a packet for the kids to fill out during general conference. Then I had a little craft ready for something fun to do together between sessions and when they'd finished their packets. But there were fights and tantrums during conference, mostly by Aaron. And then there continues to be fights and messes and tantrums now that conference is over. They liked the craft, but it lasted 10 minutes and now we have cute little pumpkins and ghosts in the middle of a destroyed kitchen. I really pray that when we're old and look back we'll be able to say it was hard, but we were obedient and the kids knew what was important even though it was crazy at the time.

Aaron's tantrums have been bad again. Plus I was tired this week, which meant a horrible couple of days for us. Some days he doesn't ever even talk to me. Every communication is yelling or whining. I feel like nothing is working. His bad tantrums started when he was three. He turns five in two weeks. I've been yelled at for two years. I'm sure I perpetuate things with him though because I'm not as consistent as I should be. Like today, I told the kids they could participate in the craft if they finish their packet. But 3/4 of the way through conference Aaron wasn't finished and didn't want to do it. So then I was faced with a decision like I have most days: do I stick with what I said and not let him do the craft, because that's what I said would be the consequence and then I'd have to deal with a major meltdown and tantrum. Or should I just let him do the craft because it would be easier. So many times I pick the easier way because I just can't put up with another tantrum and some days he would be punished all day long. Thankfully, today, Danny chose to help Aaron finish his packet and Aaron responded well to his help and they got it done so I didn't have to make a choice. But I really feeling like I'm failing that boy a lot of the time. It's a really crappy feeling.

And then Danny and Rachel don't get near the amount of attention they should from me because I'm so drained from dealing with Aaron. So that adds to my guilt. Seth mostly gets enough attention because he's so cute and easy and because he still needs me to do so many things for him. But I worry that once the baby comes, he'll get overlooked a lot because he is so easy-going and because then I'll have a tiny baby and still have Aaron, that will take all my energy.

And I can't breathe, and I'm enormous and tired and sick of not being able to do all the things I want and need to because I'm eight months pregnant. Ok, I think I've complained about everything. Now I can move on. Just keeping it real, I guess.

Conference has been great. A talk I really needed was by Elder Uchtdorf about simplifying our lives and focusing on what's most important, especially when times are hard. I've been thinking about how things are going to be with the new baby and Seth and Aaron, and possibly moving. And I think I'll really need to rely on the advice in that talk during the next few months.

Bob is such an amazing husband. I can't believe how much he does for me and how patient and helpful he is. Even though I've been tired and grumpy so much of the time with this pregnancy.