Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31

We're mostly getting better. Aaron still has a cough though and I'm still pretty congested, but other than that we both feel fine. I'm really hoping both of us can clear it up before Ruby comes!

Joan Faircloth in our ward offered to adopt our families to help on Sundays. I love her. I visit taught her for a year or so when we were newer in the ward. She's an awesome lady. She has kids my age and grandkids, so we won't be disrupting her family too much. We sat in front of them today and it was so nice to know there was someone there to help. I didn't have to take Seth out today, but when I didn't have enough pens or paper, she was always very quick to offer hers for the kids. She said next week she'd bring toys. She's so great. And several people have offered to hold the baby, which will also be helpful.

Today is Halloween. We had a little bit of a hard time deciding what to do today for celebrating. We had a ward trunk or treat on Thurs, which was going to be enough, until May next door asked us when we'd be bringing our kids by for trick or treating. We could tell they were looking forward to seeing our kids. Then we got invited to dinner and trick or treating with a few families in our ward. So we decided we'll go over for dinner and then we'll come home and trick or treat to Sandy and May, Jack, Joanne and Larry--all the cute older people on our street who would notice if our kids didn't come to their houses. Bob says we can count it like visiting the elderly. Then we'll come home and have brownie sundays and and watch the Halloween specials on tv.

I'm so ready for Ruby to come! On Thursday and my appointment the Dr. said I'm at 3 cm, so at least things are moving. But I'm 37 weeks weeks today and I'm so done being huge and getting up 4 or 5 times in the night for no good reason. The kids and I jumped on the trampoline today. And we walked to the park on friday and I had contractions every 10 minutes for a couple of hours, but they stopped when I went to bed. I'm hoping she's coming in the next day or two. Hopefully she'll cooperate.

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